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"Hello? Abhi Bhai? Where are you? " Swayam called out panicked as he strutted from one end of the living room to another. He was worried about Taani, she hadn't returned and wasn't picking up any calls it was 8 am. Tamana would be up soon, the first thing the young girl would do is call out for her older sister or inquire about her father; answers to these questions Swayam was still unaware. 

          Sharon sighed at his anxious behavior, him being this anxious was not gonna help the situation. Swayam was more of a mess than Taani. Which was annoying and stupid, the boy had to provide assistance to his cousin and not be a worrisome mess.  

She walked up to him and snatched the phone from his hand. "Swayam calm down! Take a deep breath..." Sharon shook her head, as expected the poor boy was trying to calm Swayam when he must have been worried 10 fold times more.

"Hello? Hi! I am Sharon... a friend of Swayam and Taani's..." She started.

      "Oh?" Came a confused reply.

"I just wanted to tell you that, don't worry... " Sharon started and stopped the next minute cursing herself mentally for snatching the phone in the first place. Who was she kidding? She could never handle such situations? What could she probably say to this man? 

        "Don't worry cause..." She tried again, looking up to see a stunned Swayam who was completely judging her. 

"We are here! We will take care of Taani, Swayam, and Tamana... You just come back home soon." She said quietly, but firmly. 

          "Thank you.." He whispered, releasing a heavy breath through the phone. Sharon could hear and feel his nerves through that one breath. "Thank you, Sharon!" He said firmly, this time. Sharon nodded quietly. Handheld the phone till the line went dead. The boy was worried, tired but more importantly helpless and guilty. 


"Dad!" She woke up with a jolt and Rey was next to her in a minute. 

       She eyed him with big brown eyes, as she tried to place a name on the new face.

"Who are you?" She asked her voice raspy. Rey nodded as he turned to pour her some water. 

"Here.." He passed her the glass. "No," She said suspiciously eying the glass of water and him again.

          "Bhaiya, tells me to not take any drink from strangers." She whispered. Explaining his quizzical look. 

"I am Rey. Taani's Friend." 

         "What's the proof?" She asked as she looked at him again. Rey groaned, the girl was very doubtful. He didn't like this... 

"Why would I..." He realized that questioning her was no point. She was scared and confused, anyone would be after whatever happened last night, he was never introduced to her. Simply digging into his pocket he took out his phone and pressed the power button and put forward a simple smiling picture of himself and Taani. A picture clicked in the college canteen with his arms loosely wrapped around her and both just smiling brightly at the camera. 

          "We are friends. I doubt your sister would click pictures with just anyone.." 

She took the glass quietly and gulped the water down in one swift move. She then again pushed the glass in his hand, indicating her want for more water.  He refilled the glass again. 

This time she drank at a slower pace.

"You are right! My sister would never click pictures with just anyone. She would also not let just anyone keep those pictures as their wallpaper." She smirked and for once Reyansh Singhania was tongue-tied. 

"Where is she? And any news on dad?" She asked standing up and walking out not waiting for an answer.


            "Nurse?"  She walked up to ask for the status of her father for the 5th time. 

"He is stable... The doctor will see you soon to give detailed information."  The nurse nodded smiling slightly. The girl had reached the hospital at 5:15 in the morning and had been handling everything just beautifully. It was a very complicated operation, with survival chances of only 20% But the daughter took the chance.


Taani rushed through the corridor with so many Shadow Operations Servicemen and their family around. Taani dashed around from floor to floor to find her father, and when she did she quickly made sure that medical service is provided. 

"Taani?" She turned around to find Riddhima Sen standing in front of her, straight and proud. She remembered Riddhima like a blur, a young tiny girl getting trained along with her elder brother to Join Shadow Operations. The Young Riddhima was weak and annoying, always following her brother. That's all she remembers, cause that's all Abhimanyu ever shared or spoke about Riddhima. 

       "Riddhima? Of course, you are the Shadow doctor! You've gotta help me... Dad.." 

"I know! I am the assigned doctor."

        "He is gonna be fine, right?"  Taani asked with utmost sincerity. 

"I will be honest...." 

It was the most difficult decision to ever make, Taani tried to reach Abhimanyu but couldn't. 

              "Taani, I know that the chances I am giving you are a little too low. But, I promise you my efforts are going to be 200% I know it's difficult to reach Abhimanyu but, I can't wait any longer! It's already 6 am! There's only so much, that we could depend on all the machinery to keep him alive! Take a decision Taani! You are his daughter too, and we all know uncle trusts you more than Abhi in tough situations like these!" 

Taani sighed as she eyed the papers in hand, Riddhima slowly pulled out her pen and handed it to Taani. She did the most difficult thing in the world, she signed those papers. Tears slipped a little too easily this time! 

             "Riddhima! Please, you are our only hope! I... We can't afford to lose our father, as well!" Taani begged hands joined pleading with the doctor for her father's life.

"You are a tough girl, Taani! Stay strong, I can't have you break down! I promise you, I won't let you regret signing those papers!" Riddhima smiled warmly, as she walked off to collect the team of the best doctors to operate, one of the best cadets of Shadow Operations.

Taani did just that as she stood up with dignity and wiped off her tears, closing her eyes she prayed to her Krishnaji for her father's welfare.


        "He is fine!" Taani whispered to herself as she slouched on the cushioned chair outside the operation theatre and let go of her fear, unwinding the tension and worry that had built up in the last few hours. Tears rolled out her eyes like a free river, she sobbed and huffed as she let the worry wash off with the tears.



I know, I haven't been updating lately on time but, I will try to be more regular with the updates. Thank you for the support that you give for the work, please continue to support: Like and comment!

Thank you 

Always, yours- Taarey Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now