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Taani sat unmovingly, her brown eyes trailed to the mahogany door. She waited for her brother. She was dying to see him and that's all she could think about. Abhimanyu Shekhawat should hurry home, or he would have something to mourn over for sure: an insane sister. 

            Taani still didn't know what has happened to her father, all the different questions the girl had were died down, every time she dared to ask them. What if... The most horrendous question of mankind had now made a home in her heart.

Swayam sighed as he eyed her from afar, Sharon had not known what to say or what to do. The only reason the girl was here, was to help. Help Swayam, Rey, or Taani in any manner. Taani and Sharon weren't the best of friends, but one thing was for sure; Taani was important. Important to Swayam and Rey; hence in co-relation to Sharon as well. 

        "I am scared, Sharon!" Swayam whispered.

"Taani is a strong girl, Swayam." Sharon reasoned. 

         "Sure she is... but Chachu, Sharon! He has been everything my father wasn't to me! He is my mentor, my best friend, my confidant, and more importantly my support!" Swayam whispered as tears rolled down her saddened eyes. "The thought of anything happening to him..." 

       Swayam's voice was heavy with sorrow and contemplation. Sharon's eyes widened, till now Sharon only thought of Taani losing her father, but the thought of Swayam losing a family member, as well never crossed her mind. 


Rey sighed as he helped the two boys from earlier with Tamana. One of them slowly lowered the sleeping girl on her pink bed. Her hand tightly gripped his jet-black hair, so when the boy tried to move away he yelped painfully and Tamana woke up easily. "Di!" She cried out first.

"Tammy! Shhh... It's me!" He held her, tightly as the girl hugged him, sobbing slowly on his broad shoulder.

          "Di...Di..." She continued to call out for her beloved sister.

         "Varun bha... bhai" She cried hugging the boy further.  "Shh... Tammy, it's alright!" 

 "Raindrops on roses and whiskers with kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings; These are a few of my favorite things...Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels; " Varun boy started singing

"Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles; " The other boy continued and eyed Rey as if edging him to sing further.

"Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings; These are a few of my favorite things." Rey continued a little hesitant. The boys continued to sing and soon, Rey realized Tammana was fast asleep.

        "It helps to calm them!" Varun stood up smiling softly.

"Hello! I am Varun Sobti! That, there is my twin brother, Karan Sobti!" He moved up and forwarded his hand to shake, they were probably just as old as himself. 

      "Reyansh Singhania! I am a friend of Swayam and Taani" 

"Oh! We are Taani's childhood friends! We are neighbors you see!" Pointing at the neighboring bungalow, Rey could see the lights still on... "We are pretty worried about Sumeet Uncle!" Varun spoke further. Karan stood stoic in the corner, only eyeing Tammana with worried eyes.


"Taani!" Rey called out to his girlfriend, it was around 3 am that Rey had gone out to look for the girl, she was nowhere to be seen.

         The girl sat under the tree in the garden "Rey! How's Tammy?" 

"She is sleeping, woke up twice! But nothing the boys couldn't handle."  His girlfriend looked at him confused. 

      "Varun and Karan?" Rey provided, an unknown understanding crossed Taani's tired visage. "Oh! of course!" Taani nodded in understanding as she looked up to the sky again. 

"A penny for your thoughts?" Rey asked as he settled next to his girlfriend.

           She shook her head, he almost thought she wouldn't speak up when she muttered slowly.

"I am worried." It was the simplest way to put it forward; worried. Nothing more, and nothing less Rey concluded, as he looked at her visage. Tired and worried.


Around 5 in the morning the bell rang again, Taani ran to the door in hurry when Singh Uncle walked in a couple of soilders walking in behind him. Taani eyed her uncle in worry as she waited for him to speak up. "Your father, he is alive.. But unstable... They have kept him alive somehow and brought him here. He needs to be operated soon...You.. You've.." 

              "Take me to my father!" Taani muttered smoothly as she walked out of the house barefeet, tears now slowly rolling down her red puffy eyes. Hands curled in a tight fist, her long manicured red nails imprinting the cresent shape deep into her palm skin. 

This was the point, she knew her life would change drastically. When this happened to their mother Abhi bhaiya faced the backslash, he took up all the burden on his shoulders. Taani and Tamana were young and their father was too lost. Abhimanyu had to step up and now Taani will have to step up, for Tamana.

              "Taani... I will... "Swayam started.

"No! Bhai, Sharon and Rey stay back with Tammy. I will be fine."


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