Dwelling in the past hardly seems fair.

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Taani groaned as she climbed up the staircase of the hostel. It was annoying how many steps you had to climb to reach the fifth floor, and they have a lift! But that's only for the staff! Talk about injustice!

         Knocking on the warden's office door, Taani waited patiently for permission. "Come in." 

"Good afternoon, ma'am! I am Taani Shekhawat, Tamanna's Gardian?" Taani waltzed toward the warden with a sense of confidence, as she had done so many times. 

      "Of course. I was just hoping for the surname to be a coincidence but, now as I know you are Taani's Younger sister, I suppose there is not much I can blame on you; Miss Shekhawat."  The Warden pointed at the seat opposite to her and Taani took one gladly. 

"Dwelling in the past hardly seems fair, Sister Agnes." Taani passed a lop-sided grin to the Warden.

       Tamanna's eyebrows furrowed together, as far as she remembered Taani never lived in the Hostel.

      "Well, I feel it's important as history always seems to repeat itself." Sister Agnes muttered as she pulled out Tamanna's phone from the drawer. She kept the phone on the large table as Taani slowly turned her stern gaze at her younger sister. 

"Your sister seems to have constant contact with a boy; excuse me 'Family friend'." Taani had to cover her chuckle at the air quotations that the warden used into a small cough. The sister gave a sharp glare toward the eldest daughter of Shekhawats. So, Taani motioned her to continue. 

"Reyansh Singhania, his name. Am I Correct?" Sister Agnes provided. 

Tamanna nodded.


Riddhima has had enough of that stupid boy. She looked down at the papers in her hand as tears streamed down her orbs continuously. She wept herself to bed every night, because of this boy; and tonight was no different. Only difference? Tonight he wept with her. 

     "I am sorry." He held her to himself as his breath came in short pauses and that broke her further. She had hoped for a lot of things; for him to argue, to come out clean to his family. For him to ask for some more time, but this? No, never in a million years. 

    "I will sign those papers." He had said with a heavy voice and tears tricking down his bloodshot eyes. He was ready to sign the divorce papers.

"How could you do this to me?" She wailed like a baby and dropped down to her knees. The moon witnessed another heartbreak of the couple. It had always witnessed their love story. While the daylight had only been a witness of their bond as friends, the dark nights witnessed the romance; which they were hesitant to bring to the light.

   "I wish, things would be different. That I was anyone but me... I was free of my demons" His words were broken reflecting the state of his heart, but she didn't have time to address his heartbreak as her own heartbreak was in process. 

  "Abhi.." She couldn't help but sigh as he gathered her in his arms.  "I.. I.." 

"I don't know what I was thinking, sucking you into my mess like this! I knew very well I could never give you a normal marriage. I was too broken to build a home. But, I was selfish as well, I couldn't let you go." He whispered each word so softly. She could have missed all of it if she weren't pressed so close to his heart. 

              "Abhimanyu, please.... Just please take one step and tell your family. I promise I will cross all 7 oceans to stay with you. But, you take this step." She begged him. Something she had always done, he was a stubborn man and she knew sometimes it takes more than words to make him understand different perspectives; hence, she played so many games with him. 

"How can I? You don't understand marrying a Shadow officer, can be so dangerous to you! It did cost my mother her life. And I can't put you through this, the kind of missions I have been taking... I.. " Before he could complete his explanation he felt a sharp sting on his cheek, she had slapped him! He couldn't believe it. 

               "I can't believe, you! Abhi, I am a Shadow officer, surely a doctor! But still an officer! I take missions and complete them. I have been at war, I have seen bloodshed. Abhimanyu Shekhawat, I am no longer a helpless girl. I am a trained officer. Don't give me all these excuses, I am going to talk to Uncle tomorrow." She said with determination and walked toward the bed. 

"Let's sleep." 

Abhimanyu followed suit without any other word. The slap still stinging his cheek.


            It was around midnight when she rang the bell at his house continuously. Swayam, wasn't sure if they should have come here, at this hour but here they are. He had to make sure that both of them don't kill each other. 

Rey, groaned as he walked toward the main door rubbing his eyes he peeped out through the peephole. His heart stopped the second he eyed her frustrated features. "



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