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Abhimanyu was a lot of things, a Shadow commanding officer, the best cadet of his batch, a workaholic, and a patriot at heart. If there was anything close to his heart; other than his nation it was his family. 

         So, his continuous nibbling at the delicious dinner made by his most preferred sister:           (though he would never admit it) was obvious due to the fact...

"Reyansh didn't have to go to the hospital!" He voiced out his reason for annoyance again. It had been a stressful day, for Taani was busy with the hospital and had come back to cook since Oma was running with a high fever. Tamanna tried her level best to cook and help but only messed things further for her sister and Sharon tried her fight tooth and nail to order from outside but the idea was quickly tossed aside by Taani. Rey had been kind enough to offer to go to the Hospital while Taani was here and Tamanna had happily tagged along. That boy was trying to get too close, to his family.

         Taani simply rolled her eyes at her brother's behavior, he always was anti-social and didn't like people interfering in family time or issues. So, it was a surprise that he had decided to bare with Sharon and Rey for 3 long days.

 "You want more rice?" Taani asked ignoring her brother's question.

        "No.." The elder sibling sulked to himself. Knowing completely well; that the conversation ends here.


"Where did you learn driving from?" Tamanna asked curiously. She eyed Rey drive so comfortably and calmly as if he enjoyed driving. 

            "My mom taught me, Dad was terrified of even watching me sit on a driver's seat!" He chuckled softly and a smooth smile played across her lips. 

"So mom would encourage me, dad would sit at home watching the telly and We would go on drives. It's the most mother-son time we got to spend." He informed smiling brightly, remembering his night drives with his mother.

          "Where are they now?" 

"Your parents, I mean..." She elaborated further. 

"London." He answered happily. 

         "So, you must miss them a lot! And they would miss you too!" She commented thinking about how much she missed her family living in the hostel. 

"Yeah, I guess. Though I have left a pretty good version of myself with them!" The girl eyed him confused a little. Her eyebrows furrowed together and her lips turned into a frown, her expression only screamed her resemblance to his beloved girlfriend.  He chuckled softly "My younger brother, umm about your age 13-14, I guess...." 

"Ohh!" She nodded in understanding, now it made sense to her. 


Jay bounced enthusiastically on the bar chair as he gulped his drink in one shot. The music blazed loudly and the dance floor was covered with a mob of sweaty and horny people. He ate his snacks and enjoyed the good music when he felt a poke on his shoulder.  

          Turning around his goofy grin reappeared as he stood up to embrace the new arrival. "It's been a while Captain!" 

        "Jay, don't call me a leader! I no longer lead, your team! You have your teams now!" The man reprimanded as he sat quietly next to his old student. 

      "So... Arjun?" He tested the name and shook his head in displeasure. 

"Leader! Abhimanyu is back in town!"Jay bounced happily.

      "Woah! And he didn't come to meet me? That ungrateful brat!" His leader commented. 

"You do know his father is in the hospital, right?" Jay asked confused. He knew his leader was a crackhead and had unacceptable expectations from the only team he ever trained, but to expect your student to come and visit you while his father is in a hospital bed, is crazier even for old Mr. Arjun Kapoor.  

             "Oh please, I know Sumeet Shekhawat! I worked with him, that old man ain't dying so easily! How's Riddhima?" He inquired.

"You tell me? I got to know she visited you, today?" The leader laughed as he ordered himself a drink. 

         "I missed my medication and appointment, again!" He answered. 

"Well, then she is unhappy with you!" Jay chuckled slowly.


"Bhaiya?" Taani knocked quietly on the bedroom door waiting for a positive reply. The smoothing hmm of her brother was her only cue to walk into his black and white room. Just like Taani's, this room had no character as well; it was plain and simple with Black painted walls and white furniture, his medals and trophies were the only shade of Gold that reflected in the room. Taani had known this room to be the same since their mother died. 

           "You need some color in this room!" She commented as she sat down on the bed, and saw her brother roll his eyes in annoyance and pick up some heavy books and place them back in the book rack. 

 "So, other than bringing strange people into family matters, we are also starting to redecorate our rooms? What change are you going to bring to your room? A walk-in Closet?" He smirked at her disgusted look, she passed at him. 

           "They were kind enough to help!" She muttered as she started pulling the woolen thread of the quilt, that she sat on. 

"Yeah, and now the help is not needed!" He commented as he smacked her hand in reprimand.

         "This is a lovely quilt, where did you get it from?" She asked as she felt the smooth structure of the bedding. She didn't get an answer for a good long minute. Looking up the only expression depicted on her brother's face was busted!

"Bhaiya?" She was confused. He didn't want to tell her, but why?

         "Umm, I bought it!" He answered. 

"You bought a quilt?" This surprised the sister. Abhimanyu Shekhawat would hardly go out to buy himself a new pair of clothes if he wasn't forced by his sisters to do so...

"Yes!" He looked alarmed. 

        "Okay.." She knew he wasn't telling the truth, so she ignored him. With her brother, she had learned you can't make him spill the truth, one needs to learn to let him speak it at his own pace. 

"I was thinking; I should quit as the GS and focus on college now!" She spoke up again.

The brother now sat down and looked at the sister nodding; hinting at her to continue. "I can stay here, Tammy doesn't need to go back to the Hostel! I can handle, it!" At this, his brows furrowed in confusion. 

The sister quickly elaborated in further explanation. "I was thinking, to speak to the Vice Principle and request him to let me only sit for my finals! Being the AGS and GS for so long has given me enough credits and also my term one results were pretty impressive. This way, I can be here with Dad and Tammy, I also can get a head-start for my training with SHADOW."

      "NO!" The siblings were shocked to hear the voice call out from the room door, interrupting their conversation.


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