But still...

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Swayam rushed through the corridor to arrange the medications that Riddhima had just ordered, he missed his elder cousin walking past him towards Sumeet Shekhawat's room.  

      Swayam had quite a time to think about all that had happened in just a few hours. He had almost lost his uncle today. The man who had been supportive and encouraging towards Swayam, throughout DAY 1 since Swayam had decided to become a dancer. He still remembered the day as if it was Yesterday when Swayam had called his Chahu at 2 am and told him his plans. His Uncle had encouraged him to follow his dream and said, his grandfather would have certainly supported Swayam, after all, Dance was blessed to him by his Grandmother: a trained Classical dancer.

       "I am glad at least someone in the family is like my mother!" His uncle's voice still rang in his ears.


        "How is he?" Abhimanyu asked as he walked into his father's room to only see Riddhima Sen noting down his vitals. 

"Stable" Riddhima answered her voice ice cold, as expected. Abhimanyu nodded, and moved forward, eyes trailing on several bandages that marked his father's body. His rough hands trailed towards his father's head when he heard her call him out in the same cold voice, again.

           "Don't! You haven't sanitized yourself" He couldn't help but nod again. 

She finally turned to look at him. There he was, her wound, her heartbreak, her love.  He stood there eyeing his father, eyes red holding the tears at bay. Hair fell on his brown eyes as he stared at his father, with emotions unsaid.  His tall figure, slouched in almost defeat as he slowly fell to his knees. 

           "Abhi..." She whispered as she saw the love of her life break down slowly. But, before Riddhima could reach Abhimanyu to console him. The door opened and Jay rushed inside pulling Abhimanyu in a tight hug. Abhimanyu completely lost himself in his teammate's embrace. 

Riddhima moved back and walked out of the room slowly leaving her teammates alone. Abhimanyu was a man always in control of his emotions but only Jay could handle him when those emotions came flowing down.

        "Riddhima?" Swayam called out in surprise, the girl looked as if she had been crying. "You okay?" 

She nodded meekly, as she rushed out towards her cabin and Swayam was surprised to see this reaction, from the strong-headed doctor he had met just a few hours ago. What could it be? That changed her emotions drastically.


"Taani?" Rey walked into her room with 2 cups of coffee in his hand, she had been sitting in her room. Refused to eat and come out. 

"Hmm, Rey?"  she asked as she started to look around to busy herself with something. Rey would force her to open up and talk and she wouldn't want that.

        "Coffee?" He asked passing her a cup of hot steaming coffee. She silently accepted, not wanting her protective boyfriend to lecture her about anything at the moment. 

"Mother says; it is a common courtesy to offer someone a hot beverage if in distress..." Rey added as he sipped from his. Furrowing his eyebrows together he inhaled deeply the smell of the strong coffee.

     "Father says; I make the best coffee in the world..." 

Taani smirked as she sipped slowly from the hot coffee. "I couldn't agree more!" 

    "Varun and Karan have left: Tamana went with them" Rey informed slowly as he looked up at the ceiling, quiet in contrast to Taani's room in their apartment in Mumbai, this room was pretty simple. There was no character to the room, only the vast collection of books stood out.

Nodding Taani turned towards the window to look out. That's when Rey saw a small park just across the bungalow. Varun, Karan, and Tamana ate ice cream quietly. 

     "They are pretty close, huh?" Rey asked as he eyed the trio. 

Taani nodded as she turned to look at him. "After Mumma, Dad just didn't want to be around the house anymore. Bhaiya had to take up Mumma's position in Shadow Operations and I wanted to be there for Tammy. She was too young, she didn't even understand what had happened. I couldn't just leave her...but time heals everything as life started getting back on track. We wanted Tammy to have regular life and I also... We had to send her to St. Redwood... That's where Mumma and I studied... so she went there and I went to Jodhpur." 

        Rey nodded slowly. Pulling his girl in a soft embrace. And that's when he felt his white shirt getting wet as the girlfriend broke down in whimpers.

"You're strong Taani! So strong." He whispered as he brushed her brown strands of silky hair. The whispers increased as he seized her in a big hug, placing the coffee cups aside. She needed to let go of her emotions. 

          She shook her head negatively and he continued to repeat his soothing words to her. 

"But still, I break down Rey!" She whispered slowly and continued to cry. Rey sighed as he walked toward the bed and pulled her in an embrace, where Taani sat on his lap straddling his hips as she cried and he tried his level best to calm her down. "No, you're allowed to break down..." 

 She again negatively shook her head. "I can't break down if I break down... like this... then my Tammy and Bhaiya..."

          "The broken ones, rebuild themselves the strongest Taani..." But Taani continued to cry. 

Rey then slowly remembered the tune...



I'm so sorry for such a delayed update. Hope you like it! Do vote and comment.

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