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Taani walked the college corridors, a small smile gracing her features. It felt good to be back. Mumbai hadn't been home, not yet. But it had been her comfort for sure. Comfort, because the people this city represented; were her comfort people. Here, she wasn't the daughter of a Shadow Operations officer; she was just Taani. 

"Taani!" She was called out. 

She turned to see Mayank Agarwal, the Football team's Captain. Tanush waved at Taani enthusiastically. Taani smiled as she moved toward the bearable friend. "Yes, Tanush?" She asked. 

"How are you?" He asked Taani eyed him in confusion. 

"Woh tum itne din college nahi aayi. Rey told us you were not keeping well." Mayank supplied as he tried to read Taani's expressions. 

That's when she felt her boyfriend's hand wrap around her waist and pull her into him. His musk perfume surrounded her, and she was a puddle in his arms. "Yes Mayank, She was down with Pneumonia." He lied easily. 

 Taani passed a tiring smile to the boys. "You okay now?" Tanush couldn't help but ask, while Mayank was now fascinated with anything but the couple in front of them. Taani nodded positively; she was about to thank the duo for their concern when Mayank spoke.

"Well, I hope you have recovered; I don't want anything to hamper our upcoming competition." His voice was rough as he eyed the girl with his scrutinizing gaze, "Especially, a sloppy GS and her incompetent AGS cum boyfriend." Taani's eyes narrowed as she eyed the captain in rage. Rey would have hooked a punch; if Taani's soft fingers hadn't soothed his tightening arm muscles.

     "With an ego so big; our sloppiness and incompetence should be the least of your worries Mayank!" Taani straightened as she challenged him with a spark in her eyes; that Mayank had always seen. 

"It's not ego baby, it's confidence," Mayank smirked as he winked at her a cheeky smile plastered on his lips; as he pulled Tanush along with him towards the football court. 

Rey's temper was rising and he hated the guts of the guy who just dared to flirt with his girlfriend. Nobody would miss this sorry excuse of a captain; if Reyansh Singhania would have a say in it. But, did he? No! Absolutely, no! His anger and rage were all locked away; no it didn't disappear but it was locked away as soon as Taani started soothing his arm muscles with her soft fingers. He was a putty in her hands; quite literally. He sighed and felt her let go of another breath. "He hates me?" She asked, Rey looked at her confused. 

"Yes, he hates me! He always bullies me and taunts me! He hates me! That's the only plausible explanation." Taani surmised. Rey wondered how someone could be so darn wrong. 

"Let's go to the canteen, I need to talk to you." Rey pulled her towards the canteen. Taani was then dragged towards the canteen by her boyfriend. 

Taani was half expecting the gang to swarm a tide of questions at her as soon as she entered the canteen. The other half expected them to be angry and upset. But Taani did not expect the canteen to be empty with her favourite dishes in front of her and a simple rose on the table. She was too stunned to walk ahead, but her boyfriend moved and presented her with the rose. 

"Welcome back, love!"He smiled as she was slowly pulled out of her surprised state and accepted the rose. Rey sneakily kissed her cheeks and guided her towards the table. Chocolate pastries, moose, Paneer sandwiches, chocolate milkshakes, and a few other dishes were presented to her. 

"What's all this?" She asked as she graced the chair he had pulled out for her. 

       "You deserve a treat and a break, my love! Sorry, I couldn't manage anything grand you returned at such short notice." He muttered as he settled next to her. 

"Rey! This is too much! Where is everyone?" She asked as she searched around the corners to find someone around. 

            "Taani? Kya yaar! I have planned this romantic gesture for you and all you can think of is others?" He sulked irritated, Mayank's Fascio was still fresh in his mind and he was doing his best not to let his inner turmoil burst out. He sighed as he sulked on his chair; when she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer, "I just wanted to be sure, baba! So, I could thank my boyfriend properly for this romantic surprise." She smiled as his orbs met hers, showcasing deep pools of love; love only and only for her.  His arms wrapped slowly around her petite waist pulling her closer as she already was on the edge of the seat, he hummed positively as he murmured near her ears "I would love that." He said as he squeezed her waist in his hands, closing his eyes he leaned forward to capture her lips. "What if someone walks in?" She whispered she didn't want to deal with those college websites anymore. 

"Canteen is off limits for everyone for 1 hour." He provided as he sealed her lips with his, her appreciative sigh. It was a quiet, intimate moment between the two lovers as they shared their affection amid their surroundings. The reassurance of privacy granted by his words brought a sense of relief to Taani, allowing her to fully immerse herself in the moment without worry.

As their lips met in a tender kiss, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of their embrace and the connection they shared. Taani's appreciative sigh conveyed her gratitude for his thoughtful gesture, melting away any lingering concerns and leaving only the bliss of their shared intimacy.

Lost in the sweetness of their kiss, they remained wrapped in each other's arms, savouring the closeness they shared. The sensation of his hands on her waist sent shivers down Taani's spine, igniting a fiery passion within her.

For that brief moment, nothing else mattered but the love they held for each other. The worries of the outside world faded into the background as they basked in the warmth of their affection.

As the kiss deepened, time seemed to stand still, allowing them to fully embrace the magic of the moment. And even if someone were to stumble upon them, it wouldn't matter, for their love was strong enough to withstand any obstacle.

Eventually, they broke apart, their breaths mingling in the air as they gazed into each other's eyes, their love speaking volumes in the silent exchange of glances.

With a contented smile, Taani whispered, "Thank you, my love,"

A small smile graced her lips and he whispered "I love you too and this muskaan, my sweetheart."


Hey! I know it's been a long time, sorry things have been crazy. Hope you like the chapter, do vote and comment!

Always, yours- Taarey Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now