I am going ice skating! Care to join?

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In his panic, Swayam entered the room and undoubtedly missed the bag containing his friend's clothing, including all the t-shirts and vests. "God is good! I have been searching everywhere for you!"

What is it for? She gave a smirk. She was sure, Rey would rattle it to her brother and then Swayam would come to her to confront her and try to change her mind: Keyword "Try!" Taani was more than sure now, she wanted to end this mini vacation or whatever it was for them sooner than later. In fact, tonight itself!

When she had agreed to let them come here, it was just because she didn't give two effs about who is coming and who is not! She wanted to see her father and make sure of his safety! She had no stamina to argue with Rey or Sharon, but now the situation is different. Father is out of danger and soon to wake up, and it's absolutely unnecessary for them to stay here! 

          "Nil called!" Swayam muttered as he stood up straighter and walked up to his cousin, he had known they had overstayed themselves but never thought of their friends to have connected the dots so easily.  Guess, they didn't give the dance team enough credit on the bases of their intelligence. 

Taani and Swayam had discussed it, only a few days ago. Even, if the dance team would have seen the news or heard of it! They wouldn't connect the dots so easily least to the similarities of surname or them being missing from exactly the same date! They had planned it well, they would stay for a day or two until her father's condition stabilizes, and then Swayam along with his friends would leave again. 

           "Are they suspicious?" Taani asked as she tied her hair in a tight ponytail. 



"Vicky! are you sleeping?" Simmi asked in a worried tone. As the boy in question groaned from the other side of the line and replied, his voice raspy and held an obviously annoyed edge. "No, Simmi, I am going ice skating! Care to join?" He snapped sitting up straight. 

       "Bro! Someone broke into the apartment next to mine!" Simmi whispered. Vicky's consciousness now shaking him up as he sat up straighter and rubbed his eyes to lose the tiredness. He could hear the shuffling and hard breaths of his friend.

"What? Where are you?" He asked as he immediately got up and paced towards the window. 

       "In my living room, I woke up around 20 mins ago to some loud noises like utensils being thrown around. I thought it was a cat so I checked my kitchen, thinking I left a window open or something but as I was walking towards it I heard a scream in the bedroom, itself. The windows are thin and our bedrooms are next to each other. So... The old woman lives alone dude! I am scared."

"First of all, if your bedroom window is open go and shut it close NOW!" Vicky ordered as he stepped out towards his own living room to use the landline. In his mind, he cursed Rey, Sharon, Swayam, hell even Taani! They would know what to do! shit, he didn't know how to breathe now!

      "Right!" He heard Simmi mutter as she ran through the small corridor from her living room toward her bedroom. Her steps were so heavy, Vickey could picture her running around right now. He heard a loud crash. "What was that?" He asked stopping dead in his tracks. 

       "A side table! I bumped my feet!" Simmi groaned. A cry left her and frustration was evident. He muttered her to be careful and picked up his landline. He heard her shut her window and he started dialing the police. 

        "Sim, Listen to me carefully! I am gonna call the cops and I will be there in no time, okay? But I want you to switch off all the lights in the house! Lock down every window and door to the house and hide under the bed. Put your damn phone on silent mode and wait for my call! Do not open the door to anyone else! Not even the police! When I am there and everything is calmed down I will give you a call and only then you will open the door! Clear?" Vicky spoke with such authority the girl could only nod. 

         "Please, come soon!" her whisper was so broken. It broke his heart too.


When a death-curling screech was heard coming from the next flat, Simmi bit her hand to stop herself from crying. After that, everything fell silent as Simmi closed her eyes, her black eyes streaming with tears of helplessness and fear. She was able to tell the woman had left the world since she could no longer hear her yell in protest. Vicky had answered her call, which made her hopeful. Rey, Sharon, and Swayam weren't present, and Nil didn't pick up her call. Vicky was thus the greatest choice she had.

She closed her eyes and stared at her phone; begging it to ring! 


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