You can't do this to me!

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Taani looked wide-eyed at her younger sister. "Shit.." She heard her brother whisper as she continued to eye her fear-stricken sister. Tamana Shekhawat stood rooted to her face eyeing her elder siblings with evident distrust. 

          "Tammy..." Abhimanyu whispered.

The brother moved ahead to approach the younger teen. But, Taani froze further as Tamana's tears rolled down her honey-brown eyes. The younger sister pushed passed the brother and held Taani's shoulder in a tight grip. 

          "You promised! You wouldn't join Shadows!" She screamed. But, Taani stood shocked and unreactive. Abhimanyu knew this would be difficult for the family to take in, but Taani wanted this! The resolve only grew stronger after losing their mother.

"You can't do this to me!" Tamana cried further. 

          This time Taani blinked as she looked at her younger sister. "Tamana..." Taani called out in a small squeak. 

"No! I refuse to have my complete family work with Shadow! Do you know, when you join Shadow, there is a possibility I might lose my complete family?" She questioned pointing an accusatory finger at her sister.

         "Listen, love, you don't have to..." Abhimanyu tried to calm the younger girl.

"No! Don't tell me how I am supposed to feel!" Tammana teared up as she looked at her siblings with anger. "I just can't live life; where I am continuously scared of waking up one morning and my entire family is gone!" 


Rey heard the yelling and shouting, he knew the siblings were in the room and a heated argument continued. Part of him wanted to barge into the room, handle things, and resolve problems. It came naturally to him. But the fact that Abhimanyu Shekhawat stood in the room made him refrain from any impulsive decision: he is known to cause. One thing is clear to the dancer by now; Abhimanyu Shekhawat didn't like Rey one bit! 

       "You think we should go in there?" Sharon wondered loudly. 

"No, don't!" Swayam muttered. Swayam knew better than that! You never poke your nose when the siblings have a banter. So, he kept put in his place and made sure so did Rey and Sharon. 


It took them so long to settle down, the yells and accusations still thick around the room. But the tired whimpers of the younger sibling lay around as thick. She knew better than to expect anyone to come and console her after her outburst... Taani would, but the elder sister was herself rooted to her place to react.  

Taani didn't know what to do, joining Shadow wasn't going to be easy. There were going to be people who would oppose the idea starting from her Tauji to Rey no one would agree. But, Tamanna? Tamanna would understand; her conscious had always pacified her saying so... In fact,  Taani had always thought Tamanna would be excited to have her sister around her and they would live together. Tamanna would attend her school and Taani her training sessions with Shadows. But, of course, destiny had some other plans! Taani slowly turned towards her sister who continued to sob. Taking a deep breath she got up from her place and moved toward her sister. Taani crouched next to the young girl and pulled her in her warm embrace, "Sorry...baccha!" Taani whispered as Tamanna's sobs increased, and so did the elder sister's apologies.

            Abhimanyu sighed turning towards the window, he knew his sisters were emotionally strong and expressive but he wasn't. He couldn't express his emotions well, it was a habit he had developed after his mother's death. He had to lock his emotions out for his sisters and his father; for if he had cried he knew they wouldn't be able to stand the way they did. Ridhima had tried hard to make him express his emotions but he couldn't maybe that's how even she had drifted away from him. 

He felt soft hands embrace him and turning around he saw his sisters smiling softly at him. Sighing loudly, he pulled them close to his chest. 


In Mumbai

"Girls, did you get in contact with Sharon or Taani?" Vickey asked as he pocketed his phone once again as Rey's phone again went unanswered. 

           "Sharon did pick up yesterday." Rinni provided as she picked up the fries and popped one in her mouth. 

"What did she say?" Simmi enquired in excitement.

            "She said she's not interested to go out shopping with me!" Rinni pouted like a five-year-old.

"What?" Nil asked thoroughly confused. 

         "Yes, I asked her if she wanted to go out shopping, but she denied it!"  Rinni elaborated again as she again moved to get some fries, this time Vickey snatched the plate of fries away. 

"Why would you ask her that?" Simmi questioned irritably 

         "Because I wanted to go shopping duh!" Rinni answered in a no-nonsense tone. Vickey and Nil had to breathe in and look at each other to calm themselves and Bharath was very close to murdering the poor girl. 

Simmi had whacked the innocent dancer across her head while the girls groaned in displeasure.

"You know, you don't get a lot of duh's from Rinni, nowadays!"  Vickey commented sniggering quietly. Closing her eyes Simmi calmed herself as she looked at her best friend "Rinni, my darling! You know that Sharon, Rey, Swayam, and Taani haven't come to college for the last three days right?"

Rinni nodded softly as she looked up quizzically to everyone not completely understanding the point. 

"They aren't home as well!" Neha groaned 

         "So when you called her, why didn't you ask Shar how is she and where is she?!" Simmi questioned and Rinni shrugged. 

"I was going to! But Sharon did sound very tired and then Swayam called her for something, so she left in a hurry!" Rinni explained and Vickey's phone rang again.

       "Rey's mother!" He read out. 

"What do I do?"

     "Put it on speaker!" Amar advised and Vickey followed, "Vickey beta!" Her sweet voice called out, Vickey smiled and answered happily. 

"Ji Aunty!" 

"Beta, did you get in contact with Rey?"

Closing his eyes in regret Vickey shook his head; as if the woman could see him. She had called him yesterday extremely worried as she was not able to contact her son and this had worried Vickey even further. Rey would never ignore his parents, no matter what.



Hope you like the Chapter!

I have always loved Taani's character and I loved how she always stayed true to her nature, even after all the things that she faced after coming to Mumbai, She never turned bitter or a negative shade, sure she voiced out her opinions strongly in the latter part but that was because she had to stand for herself and nobody ever stood for her. Hopefully, that will change in my story.

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