The best...

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It was around 11 pm and Taani sat quietly, watching the waves hit the large rocks beneath. Marine Drive was so beautiful; it always cheered her. Smiling softly as the wind caressed her chocolate brown hair.  Sighing, she got up and decided to get ready to leave... Head home.

     She was about to find herself an auto when her phone rang. Looking at the screen, she was confused at the familiar yet out-of-the-ordinary name that was displayed on the screen. "Hello!" She said, but her heart skipped a beat at the heavy voice on the other side of the phone.


"Where the hell is she?" Rey twitched in frustration as he again started to measure down the living room of the Shekhawat flat.

       "We don't know... I mean.. Come on, Rey do you want a repeat of the Rehearsal hall fiasco? The girl was spitting pure fire! Not letting you speak and all that.."Sharon smirked at her best friend. There were a few times she had seen her best friend tongue-tied; since she had known him from a very young age. Most of those were in front of his mother and only a few times when talking to higher authorities. To see Reyansh Singhania being piped down by a petite girl was thoroughly entertaining to the Diva. 

 "Oh! You are so enjoying this, aren't you? Raiprakash?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes to the girl sitting lazily on the brown couch. 

       "I most definitely am!" She assured.

Swayam rolled his eyes at the duo. They were still kids. "Coffee anyone?" 

      "Now?" Rey asked, looking at the time on his wristwatch.

"We are waiting for Taani to come so we can have our dinner, so why not?" Swayam said standing up.

Getting a positive nod from the duo, he strutted his way towards the kitchen. Sighing, he started looking around, everything was neatly arranged by the cook and he dared to mess it up. Taani would skin him alive if he dared to make another cook run out of the apartment. That's when he heard the jingling of keys.

       "Taani you are back! I wanna talk to you!" He heard Rey call out, seriously.

"Not now" Taani's distressed voice made him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. He walked out towards the living room, where he saw his cousin frustrated switch on the television. 

"A deadly attack on India's Parliament; filled with Ministers. 40 civilians with casualties and the toll of fatal casualties have risen to 9. The impact could have been more deadly and serious, but thanks to the Shadow Operations Servicemen who have come under the limelight; thanks to the Ministers: who have now decided to unravel this special force. "

             The news channel now displayed an animated tag line "HEROES AMONG US" 

Soon photos of a few were displayed on the screen; mostly all of them unconscious or dead; one couldn't tell. A few of them were dead. The reporter kept on a briefing about the news, but Swayam and Taani's eyes stuck on a few photos... Manoj Shergil, Sunil Deshpande, Keshav Thakur, and last but not least Sumeet Shekhawat. 

             A lone tear slipped Taani's feared eye. Breathe knocked out of her lungs and her feet numb. Backing away a few steps from the Television Taani landed stiffly on the Brown couch, where Sharon sat watching the news. Swayam stared at the screen still mortified; he wasn't sure what to say or how to react. 

"These people are real heroes man! Like how could they be so selfless; serving the nation for so long and never taking the credit for their work." Sharon said wrapping her hands around her. It was really weird to see this all, in real life. It was only the screen, where they had known the heroism to live. 

             The Shekhawat's still kept her eyes glued to the screen. "Taani.." Rey called out slowly noticing the welled-up tears in the red eyes. Till now only a single tear had slipped her well-disciplined orbs.

Before he could move towards his girlfriend he was rudely pushed aside by his taller friend as he took a seat next to his cousin. "Taani?" Swayam called out again. But the girl was frozen. "There's still hope.. he can be just injured.."

  Taani continued to eye the screen.  Swayam shuddered as his eyes welled up. He would be fine...

           "Guys?" Sharon called out. This behavior was disturbing. But was greeted by a deadly silence.

A slow tune of phone ringing cut the silence built up in the room. Rey sighed moving towards the counter, Swayam's phone rang; a Video call. "Abhimanu Bhaiya." It said. Rey contemplated on what to do. When the phone was snatched from his hand. 

Swayam answered the call in an instant. "Ha... Abhi bhaiya" 

"Where's she?" A lone voice was heard through the Phone. Swayam's broad shoulders made it impossible to check who it was on the phone. Rey and Sharon knew better than to talk in between; something was wrong. It didn't take long to realize that one of the officers who had died was a relative of Swayam and Taani. Sumeet Shekhawat.

           "Taani?" The voice called out slowly. Rey moved forward to shake the girl from the daze; she had been in. 

"TAANI!" The Boy now yelled. A startled Taani looked up to the phone in Swayam's hand; now regarding the man on the video call. 

"Go to Pune! Call Singh Uncle; he will arrange a car. I will be there by dawn. Got it?"

She nodded slowly; still dazed. "Taani we have to pull ourselves together, for her." 

Standing up Taani dashed to her room not saying another word. "Swayam!" The voice called out; Rey now observed the man's rough stubble, hair messed and sticking out in various directions. "Bhaiya, don't worry I am coming with her." Nodding the man cut the call.

           "Swayam what?" Sharon was cut short by Swayam's next words.

"Taani's father, Sumeet Shekhawat" Swayam muttered looking at the screen name Sumeet Shekhawat again flashing on the screen. 

Rey had never felt this useless in his life; he didn't know anything about his girlfriend. Her father... that was her father, something unsettling made home in his heart; her father was injured or... she would need him now.

           "Swayam, I'll come along, with you to Pune," Rey uttered slowly.

"Guys, this is serious... I..." Swayam started.

          "Exactly why we should be there!" Sharon muttered sternly; leaving no room for discussion. Swayam sighed closing his eyes, "Guys..." 

"Bhai, I spoke to Singh's uncle, the car will be here soon. He will come himself, so I'll.." Taani informed stoically, her bag ready by her side. 

         "Okay, I'll get my things ready."

"Bhai, no! It's okay, I'll manage.." She started, shaking her head as if a five-year-old declining her favorite sweet. 

      "Taani, I ain't asking for permission. I am telling you. I am coming!" Swayam stated. Taani nodded slowly. She had no strength to say no or argue. 

"And so are we.." Sharon stated, stubbornly. Taani didn't say anything, she had no sane mind to argue. 

         "We'll go and get our stuff.." Rey muttered and dragged Sharon quickly.

"We can't be late. I don't think Taani would wait for us." Rey said softly as he mounted the bike hastily and Sharon followed the lead. 

         Taani sat quietly to herself as she eyed the last message her father sent. She now only focused on the words... "Please be safe, Papa!" She closed her eyes, slowly letting the small tears slip. She was now more worried about the only girl, who sat in Pune and had probably heard the news till now. 

She will be the best version of her; for Tammana. The best...


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