"I don't want you!"

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Vicky groaned as he drove swiftly towards Simmi's apartment. He promised to bury Nil alive in the college itself. The boy wouldn't wake up, no matter what! Vicky had thought of calling Rinni but knew better than that! The girl was of no help; in such a dire condition. She would not be able to help Simmi, and Simmi would instead need to console the scared Rinni. He would have to call Neha instead. He didn't know anyone else who could help. 

              As he pulled into the society, where Simmi had rented a flat. He saw the Police van and ambulance. His heartbeat stopped as he pulled over, leaped out of his red jeep, and fled toward the inspector. 

"Inspector! I .." He didn't know what to say or how to say it as looked into the intimidating eyes of the officer. 

          "Are you Vikramjeet Kalsi?" 

He nodded as he felt himself go into a shell of incapability, again wishing Swayam or Rey to come and help out with the situation. He heard an auto come to a stop and turned to see a worried Neha pay hop out of it as she paid the right amount due to the driver. He was never more relieved to see this girl, not even when they briefly dated before. 


          "You are being ridiculous!" Rey's voice roared as he felt helpless and anger made home inside his heart. How could she just pack his stuff and ask him to go? Like some rag-doll that was no longer needed. 

Taani rolled her eyes at his childish behavior, he cannot have everything done in his way and manner, all the time. This was her family, her father,  and her problem. Did she want Rey or Sharon to be more involved than they already are? No! Did she want them to leave? Absolutely, yes!

         "And you think you are being an absolute treat here!" Taani snapped as she narrowed her eyes. 

 "Taani, I just want to be there for you!" He tried to explain the hundredth time, his posture tired of talking about the same topic. It was like talking to a wall, she just wasn't ready to listen. 

"I don't want you!" She yelled as his ignorance toward his family and friends flashed in front of her eyes. It's true, she didn't want him here. Not now, not if her father was gonna wake up soon. She didn't want him here. Here, she didn't specify the word 'here'. She closed her eyes in regret. 

Swayam closed his eyes in frustration as he hoped Rey would not misunderstand the words. But, there was absolutely no other way to look at it. 

      That hit hard, harder than he thought. Yes, he had thought of it all, her not wanting him or his help; she had better people to help here. Ones who understood and belonged to the same community. She wouldn't want him by her side, when she had people who understood her way better than him, he would need a course to be done to understand Shadow Operations. They have lived it all, along with her. She didn't need him when she was around them. 

He gulped as his mouth dried,  "Okay." He whispered picking his bag he walked toward the main door. He was about to step away when his eyes fell on a scared little version of his girlfriend, Tammy. 

         He walked toward the young girl and placed a calm hand on her head as she eyed him, worriedly. "You take care of yourself, okay? You can call me anytime if you need anything, just call me!" She nodded slowly. 

        "I will be there for her." She whispered as he sighed in relief. That's it. Someone to be there for Taani. He eyed his girlfriend, was she still his girlfriend? 'I don't want you.' "Here" was this word just missed out of her speech or purposely not put in?  Did she not want him?

He wanted to ask, yell, and shout. But, he didn't! "See you in Mumbai!" He whispered. He walked off with that. Sharon quickly hugged Taani and Tamanna, she ran behind her best friend. 

Swayam groaned as Karan walked out following the duo to drive them out. Varun pulled an upset Tammy out to the garden to play. 

         "Not a good choice of words, Taani!" Swayam reprimanded as he sat on the sofa, rubbing his frustration away from his facial features. 

       "I could care less! Last night, I told you everything! I just can't afford them to be here! When Dad comes home! How do I possibly explain why two residents are in the house and aware of everything? He would be so worried about the news about Shadow Operations leaking! We can't stress him out further! Hence, it needed to be done! Also, Rey was getting too involved. With Tammy and everything." Taani explained. 

      "Let's hope everything is sorted out as soon as possible." 


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