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Ridhima sighed as she rubbed her temple to ease the pain, but it wouldn't stop. Her meeting with her father-in-law couldn't have gone worse; than that... She couldn't sleep for two days straight crying her eyes out at the implications of what would happen if Sumeet Shekhawat disapproved of her marital status with his son. 

Her husband had called her several times in the last two days; probably more than ever. She couldn't bring herself to answer those phone calls. She had not opened any of the 32 voice notes sent or opened her front door when it rang with him calling out her name when he had visited her at her home.  She hadn't come to the hospital either, but there was only so much she could avoid in her professional life; people needed her. 

"I fucking hate, you!" The cabin door swung open as;  Jay walked in. He had a Starbucks takeaway in his hand that he sipped and strolled right in as he had on many occasions. 

    "That's the theme of the month! What are you doing here?" She asked busing herself in some reports to avoid looking at her teammate. She had known Jay since childhood and had been in a team with him for the last 5 years. One look at her, and the most oblivious boy in the universe would know something is wrong with the doctor. 

"I had an appointment with you, yesterday!" He mentioned as he placed the drink on her table and pushed it forward offering her the drink. She gladly accepted and took one sip. That's all it took for her to know the coffee was for her, it was her order! Jay had got the coffee for her; which could only mean...

      "Abhi called...." 


Taani laughed as Rey tried to eat another strawberry he had picked from the pastry. He threw it up in the air and missed it. 

"How wonderful,  Lovebirds are here!" Vicky squealed as he walked into the canteen picked out a strawberry and showcased Rey how it's done. "That's how it's done!" 

Rey scowled at his friend and made place scooting closer to his girlfriend for his friends to settle. "Did I not tell you the canteen is off limits?" He asked. 

"Yes, you did!" Swayam settled next to his sister and started eating as well. 

          "One hour is over my friend!" Sharon informed winking at Taani who blushed and cleared her throat to distract everyone. The gang happily enjoyed their time together and inquired Taani about her health. 


Tamanna yelped as she fell off the horse for the 3rd time, this time bruising her elbow and a fractured bone. "Aah!" Sanket sir, her instructor shook his head and helped her but her leg was too swollen and twisted for her good. 

"I can't!" She whimpered and didn't even try to get up from her position. "Of course, you can! Your sister was a pro at this! She would be so let down if you can't do this!" He mumbled and tried to pull her up!

"No!" Tamanna refused to get up! "I can't!" Why didn't people understand? She wasn't her sister! The comparisons had to stop!

"Yes, you can!" 

"I... I think I may have fractured my leg!" She mumbled as tears slipped down her eyes and she continued to whimper. 

"Nonsense!" The instructor snarked and made her stand. 

"Don't be rude, Sir!" Tamanna whimpered further as the pain increased and her eyes closed further in despair. Tears of pain and embarrassment rolled down her eyes; for once Tamanna Shekhawat was not able to do something, that was something she couldn't live with. She didn't open her eyes to look at her saviour, she already knew who it was. 

"You have no business, here!" Sanket muttered lowly. 

"You wound me, sir! I know, Taani has always been your best student! But I sure was a memorable, pupil! Wasn't I?" The silky tone replied and Tamanna felt the usual Jasmine scent engulf her as the person supported her to stand up. 

"Ms. Malhotra! To see my Arbian white horse's  tail dyed Neon pink; wasn't memorable at all!" Sanket snapped! The girl giggled; which might have caused her to falter while giving Tamanna any support to stand. 

       "Let me take my lovely Tamanna to rest!" She replied.

"Family or guardian, only!" Sanket snapped. 

"You haven't checked your pupil's form? I am family." Manisha's silky tone made Tamanna look up at the beauty helping her stand. 

"Thanks!" Tamanna muttered as she hopped on her other leg, leading towards the restroom.

"Tammy, if you aren't able to do something. You have to talk to Taani!" Manisha reprimanded as she made her sit on the bench in the restroom and looked at the swollen leg. 

          "I can do it!" Tamanna muttered, her tone stubborn and persistent. 

"Of course! You are as stubborn as  your sister!" 

"You would know, you are her best friend!" Tamanna smiled as she noted how swiftly Manisha had twisted her leg back, soothing the consistent ache. 

"Obviously!" Manisha smiled a simple smile.


Abhimanyu played with the bedside lamp, once again; The light flicked on and off, in a constant repetitive rhythm.  The night outside; is reflective of the darkroom. "You didn't find it important to inform your father?"  His father's question was looming in the back of his mind. And soon his wedding day flashed across his vision. 

"Abhi, shouldn't we inform..." Ridhima stopped mid-sentence. Who should they inform? She didn't know, and she didn't understand. "Someone," she said.

"No... We don't have time for that. You are going on a suicide mission in a week, Ridz! I..." Abhimanyu stopped, as emotions overflowed his cold heart. What did he want to say? Did he want to be married, have this one week for themselves before either of them dies? It was an occupational hazard, he now understood why they said that!

"But someone! We need someone's blessings," she muttered again, more stubborn this time.

Abhimanyu Shekhawat sighed. His girlfriend was as traditional as they came. She was devoted, loyal, and honest. She wasn't ready to elope and start a new life. She wanted blessings from someone. He knew why she was so stubborn about it. Ridhima was an orphan. She had found her way to the SHIELD ORPHANAGE when she was only a few months old. She grew up without the love, approval, or blessings of her parents. Hence, she demanded the blessings of his family.

"Abhimanyu, Papa, if you could call..." Ridz asked. 

"Don't be silly, Papa's on a mission. He won't answer! You know I don't necessarily care for anyone else in my family," he replied.

As another devotee approached the temple, the bell rang out again. Abhimanyu gazed at his beloved. "Krishna ji will bless us and our love," he said with such conviction and affection that she could not resist. Her desire for the elders' blessings vanished from her mind. Her heart only followed his as they united in holy matrimony.

"I have a family now..." she whispered; when she sat in the passenger seat. He heard her, and he felt incredibly proud. He had given her a family.

The knock on the door made him realise he was crying. He had made promises; that he no longer found himself fulfilling. He had promised her a family, but his family was no longer ready to accept her. 

"Abhimanyu?" His father's voice was cold. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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