I will always be there for you!

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Riddhima had hoped and prayed not to see Abhimanyu, so when the same man walked into her cabin the next day was very annoying. The day couldn't start with any more bad luck! 

Abhimanyu Shekhawat was the only man who dared to strut into her cabin without permission and settle down as if he had done so a thousand times; even though he had. 

        "Excuse me?" Riddhima threw her pencil down on her work table in apparent frustration. 

"I want details on my father's health." He informed her, nothing more and nothing less. Riddhima chewed the insides of her cheeks as she eyed Abhimanyu lean forward in seriousness to discuss his father's health. 

        "I have and shall discuss his health details with his emergency contact, Taani. You may leave now!" She snapped as she shut the medical file she was busy reading before the ignorant brat had entered the cabin. 

"I am his son!" He barked, a tone that may have had other doctors shivering and fearful by now, but not Riddhima. 

          "I don't care!" Riddhima snapped back, with the same ferocity. Both stared at each other with anger reflected in their orbs. After a minute, Abhimanyu closed his eyes and breathed in as he leaned back in the chair and breathed loudly. The whole ordeal, Riddhima soaked his every moment the way his jaw tightened slowly before he gulped down his anger, eyes opening slowly his dark eyes stared at her, with familiar softness.

"Rids, don't be ridiculous!"  He muttered slowly. 

Now, that was what pushed her over the edge as she shut him down completely. Ignoring the brat sitting on the chair before her, she opened the file again, studying the reports. 


          "You have got to be kidding me!" Tamana screeched as she eyed Swayam, who huffed equally unhappy. Rey wanted to ask what was wrong, but something about the way Taani rolled her eyes told him to ignore both of them and sit down to eat. 

Sharon followed Rey's lead and ate quietly while Swayam and Tamana eyed Taani with utter displeasure. 

      Taani, on the other hand, walked towards the dinner table and started to serve herself the breakfast Oma had laid lovingly. 

"I am not going!" Tamana stomped her feet to each word and sat on her regular spot and Swayam nodded in agreement. 

       "Yes, you are..." Taani muttered as she ate her first bite of poha. Tamanna eyed the breakfast in distaste. "I hate Poha!" 

Groaning Taani rolled her eyes as she opened her mouth to reprimand her younger sister, "Stop..." 

     "Oh! Oma made Alloo Pratha for me!" Tamanna spoke up again as she took the Paratha from the casserole that Rey had pushed forward. Taani rolled her eyes as Rey corrected Tamanna instantly. "For us! I hate Poha as well!" Rey winked and Tamanna giggled softly. 

     " I will share with you since you are nice! Unlike some people I know!" Tamanna eyed Taani notoriously. 

"What's going on?" Sharon asked as she passed Swayam a glass of juice.

        "This crazy woman wants me to go back to school!" Tamanna accused as she pointed a finger lazily at Taani. "She and her elder brother!" 

Taani rolled her eyes and continued to eat. 

 It had been half an hour, and Abhimanyu's stare was annoying the doctor. She threw the file on the desk and eyed him with clear annoyance; this amused the man. He was very used to her anger, had seen it in his early years when she fought with Jay about the most meaningless things. But, never had he been at the receiving end of that anger! 

            "Riddhima, don't!" He muttered cooly as she walked out of the room in her fit of anger. 


        "Taani, I think you should let her stay for some time!" Rey spoke softly; as she sat down on the sofa after cleaning the table. He noticed her eyebrows furrowed together and a look of distress painting her pale face. 

       His long fingers soon brushed the sweat on her forehead, and slowly the pressure started to increase. The massage slowly eased the girl's increasing headache. She smiled sweetly, eyes still closed. "She has her exams, Rey!" 

Her boyfriend sighed as he wondered exactly how their equation turn from boyfriend-girlfriend to parents of a teen daughter. 'Since you promised Tamanna to talk to Taani,' an annoying voice in his head whispered. 

        "Yeah, but she almost lost her father! She deserves this break; let her spend some time with her family." He reasoned. Taani sighed as she opened her eyes and turned to look at her boyfriend, but before she could say anything: a voice spoke at the front door. 

"But she didn't!" Rey turned towards the main door to see Abhimanyu Shekhawat eyeing the dancer annoyingly, or maybe his eyes were fixed on his hand still massaging her scalp. Rey quickly stood up, and Taani sat up straighter. The brother rolled his eyes and walked toward his sister to bend and kiss her forehead "Bhaiya!" She smiled as she hugged her brother. 

      "Rey, this is Abhimanyu Bhaiya and Bhaiya this is Rey." 

"Yes, We've met!" Abhimanyu nodded and sat down, next to Taani.  "Bhaiya, you weren't there for the breakfast?" Taani asked confused. 

       "I was at the hospital." 

"What did Riddhima say? How's dad?" Taani asked as she was now completely focused on the conversation, with her brother. 

     "Won't say a thing! She would only answer to you.." 

"Isn't she, your friend?" Rey couldn't help but cut in. They were in a team, then why wouldn't Riddhima answer or talk to Abhimanyu? 

"It's the hospital rules, you can only talk to the emergency contact," Taani explained, now that raised Rey's eyebrows in further confusion. 

"Why?" Rey questioned.

           "Medical details can get into the wrong hands. Shadow Operation Officers have a lot of enemies. Hence, to avoid this issue we give an emergency Contact before going on a mission. Dad and I are hardly available for each other, hence our emergency contact is always Taani." Abhimanyu answered this time. 

    "I will always be there for you!" Taani reassured a soft smile playing across her face.


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