"Namaste Bhratashree!"

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One month later.

          Swayam walked into his apartment and slammed the main door close. It had been almost two weeks since he had returned from Pune, and things hadn't been great for the dance team. Rey was distressed as he was unsure where his relationship stood. Sharon was upset about Rey's condition; the boy was mopping all day! And to make things worse; there was a serial killer out there! They were thanking their stars; Simmi was safe! But the incident took a strain on the young girl.

       He had barely talked with Taani just weeks after throwing Sharon and Rey out of the house. She had convinced him to leave as well. Rey was surprised to see Swayam walking into the college and grilling him with interrogative questions about Taani! But, Swayam didn't know! Rey had an enormous ego, which stopped him from calling her. And Taani was too stubborn to ask for help. Their ego clash was bound to happen; Swayam knew it was a sinking ship; before it had even set sail. Their stubborn personalities will always be in constant disputes with each other.  They were both headstrong, especially when it came to their loved ones.

      He knew just like everyone else: they had their virtues and vices; the question was would they learn to love each other, irrespective? 


Rey gulped down the last sip of coffee as his phone flashed silently on the table. He picked it up and smiled softly as he answered the phone; "Hello!" 

"Namaste Bhratashree!" A happy voice greeted him from the other side. 

       "Bharata... what?" He asked confused. 

"Offo! are you sure; you are in India; or are you fooling the entire family and galavanting around the world?" This time the voice was irritated. 

         Before Rey could defend himself; the person corrected him. 

"It's not Bharata... Its Bhratashree. Translation 'Hello, brother!' " 

"The fuck? What do you want Rudransh?" Rey asked as he stood up from the sofa and walked toward the kitchen. He kept the cup in the washbasin and switched off the lights. 

         "Come on, Bhratashree! I can call you, to check on you!" 

"Not! You call me when you want something. So, what is it?" Rey muttered as he switched the lights off in the living room and strolled toward his bedroom. 

        "You caught me! I want to come back to India!" Rey choked on his spit as he heard the demand. He sat on the bed with a worried expression itching his handsome features.

"Why?" Rey wondered. Was it that his parents were trying to convince him to marry Sharon, using Rudransh? They should have known better...

       "Why are you there?"

"To study?" 

       "You can study here?"

"I was already studying here, I wanted to continue... You have always followed father around the world! What changed now?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. He sat up straighter and posture more rigid.

          "Father, well he misses home and he misses you... He thinks that it's time to come back home."

         "What?"Rey exclaimed as he stood up. They are coming back, he can introduce Taani! He beamed... Yes, he will introduce Taani, and all the problems are solved. They would be so smitten by Taani, they wouldn't even dream of marrying him off to Sharon.

"Yes! Can you believe it?"


Taani groaned as she heard her father move again, slowly pulling herself down the sofa so her head won't be seen. She focused on his small movements, she could hear his boots brushing against the flooring. He strolled towards the kitchen and her eyes trailed to see him grab a sipper and fill water. 

He was dressed in black joggers and a grey T-shirt. 'He is going for a jog!' Her eyes narrowed as she stood up and moved toward the kitchen. Once, he heard the sharps steps headed his way, he just knew it was his daughters; one of them. His son was a trained SHADOW OPERATION, he knew stealth; like the back of his hand. So, it had to be his rowdy daughters. Focusing on the clinging of the bangles or bracelets that she wore on her wrist; it was his elder daughter. 

"Taani?" He turned right in time, to see her standing with her arms folded and brows furrowed in anger. Her left foot beating sharply against the marble flooring of the kitchen; a tell-tale sign of irritation; something that would always remind him of his beloved wife. 

       "What are you doing?" 

"Going for a run?" He asked puzzled

"You. are. suppose. to. rest!" She enunciated every word to her father as if berating a five-year-old.

"No, I am supposed to start with my work in a month! And for that, I am supposed to get back in shape!" He stated smiling sweetly at his daughter. 

    "I think, what you are doing is unnecessary! I can easily..." She was cut short by her father.

"Go back to Mumbai and focus on your college?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

      "How's your college...." 

"And leave you here? You surely don't mean..." He had to cut her again.

"Of course, and I will be coming...." He was this time again cut short by his daughter and he exhaled loudly; through his nostrils.

"I will be satisfied when you are there. And hence, I will..."

    "I am the parent here, I hope..."

"Then bloody act like one, listen to...."

"Parents don't listen! The...."

"Of course they do..." 

"How you two call this a conversation is beyond my understanding!" This time a new voice interrupted them. A gracious smile appeared on her father's face to see his eldest one standing there, ready for their run. A furious Taani, turned to her brother, "You are supporting; this nonsense?" 

   "Hey!" Her father called out clearly offended.


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