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I am not dead. I know that I have taken a long time to update and I am sorry. 

If you want excuses I have plenty: 1. my girlfriend and I broke up, 2. school , especially hybrid learning, has been overwhelming, 3. my depression and anxiety have worsened, 4. I never thought that this story would have any of you interested and therefore have had to make up the plot as I go, 5. I have been working on two chapters at once and therefore have not made enough traction to publish either, and 6. I have been working on other stories as well. Ones that I don't publish on Wattpad but would one day like to get published. 

For those of you that do not care for excuses/ don't care about my personal life and only when the story updates, here it is. I am pushing myself to get back on my schedule of publishing a part once a week on Mondays. If I can't write enough for every Monday, it may switch to every other or once a week. 


(also side note; Wattpad marks its own name as misspelled. Just thought that was funny)

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