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I'm publishing this early because it's done and I would like to get one more chapter ready before my Thanksgiving break. So enjoy.

Ruby's face fell at Juno's question. Her eyes kept darting back and forth between the two of them. Ob saw their friend in distress and promptly whispered in Juno's ear. She made an 'oh' face.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." Juno told Ruby. However Ruby, disliking being pitted, shook her head.

"I'll play." She said. "Don't worry about me." The two looked at each other and shrugged.

"All right," Ob replied. "I guess I'm in too."

"Alright-" Juno clapped her hands together excitedly. "-who's first?"

Ob ended up being first with Ruby asking the question.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Ob decided.

Ruby thought for a moment. "What is something that you wish you had known before the outbreak?"

Ob pondered the question for a minute. "The fact that being popular as a part of a six-grade cliche, doesn't matter." The two girls looked at each other then back at Ob. "You heard me,"They shrugged. "I was a different person back then."

"No shit," Juno giggled. "For starters you thought you were straight." Ob rolled their eyes as the others laughed.

"Okay Juno," Ob sighed, shaking their head and laughing. "Truth or dare?

"Dare," She said smiling. "I'm no coward."

Ob thought about it for a moment and then glanced at Ruby looking defeated. "Help." They pleaded. She tapped her chin, thinking. Then a mischievous smile lit up her face. Her finger rested on her chin, as she slowly, carefully said her dare.

"I dare you-" She looked at the two happily. "to kiss them. " She pointed at Ob, watching as their faces flashed bright red. They looked at each other then back at Ruby. "What?" She asked innocently. "That's the dare." In all honesty Ruby had known about Ob's feelings for Juno for months. She also knew that her friends were both too awkward to make a move. In this case a little intervention was necessary.

Ob leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Isn't this supposed to be a dare for her and not torture for me?" They hissed.

"So kissing me would be torture?" Juno pouted jokingly. Ob stared, thoroughly embarrassed. Their mouth opened and closed as they struggled to remember how to speak. "Fine," she said, "not point in delaying" and she reached out to cup the back of their neck. They barely breathed as the space between them closed. When they pulled away, they saw Ruby looking at them with a pink tint on her cheeks.

"I meant on the cheek, but that works too." Juno and Ob look away, facing the color of tomatoes.

There was an awkward silence between them and it took all of her confidence to interrupt. "How about we just do 'truths' from now on?" Ruby suggested. "I kinda screwed up that one." The others nodded in agreement. "Well in that case, it's my turn."

Juno managed a smile. "As it is a truth, per your demand," She paused thinking. "Who do you have a crush on?" Ob glared at her. She just shrugged. "What's fair is fair?"

"You can't tell anyone." Ruby said, in a serious tone. They whispered a quick 'yes' and nodded their heads. She let out a breath. "His name is Liam."

Ob looked pleased and smiled. Juno, however, gaped in disbelief. "Liam Stewart!" She yelped, "You like Liam Stewart?"

Ob turned to her. "It does explain a lot, though." Their eyes flicked to their watch and they stood up quickly. "Oh no! It's 2:30. We need to go!"

Juno stood up. "Race ya!"She yelled, already starting towards the safe house.

"Why do I like her?" Ob asked, watching her run with a smile on their face.

"Who knows?" Ruby replied, smiling at her friend. "Let's go before we're late."

They did end up being ten minutes late, because Juno took a wrong turn, got lost, and the others had to track her down.

word count-630

-This was a long chapter. I have become emotionally attached to their relationship (Ob and Juno's)

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