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The gentle countryside rolled past, as Liam rode aimlessly on a motorcycle he had found in a worn own shed, no idea where he was going. Liam knew he had to find his best friend, Chubs, but he couldn't remember where he was. He knew Chubs had been hurt when the Reds attacked and that somehow the Legion had found them, but there were still blanks he couldn't fill.

The sun began to set and he parked the bike in a nearby forest, propped up on the truck of a thick tree. It was a cold night, but by using his telekinesis, he was able to start a small firm to keep himself warm. He hugged his jacket close to his chest, cold more from fear than the weather.

Liam had been doing this for nearly a month now. Mornings came and went, Just like always, but something felt off. There seemed to be a hole in his heart. It might have been from Chubs or Zu, or something entirely different. A piece to a puzzle he was missing, but at the moment it didn't seem to matter. No matter what he did it was always going to be there.

He didn't remember falling asleep, but before he knew it, his head was resting on the ground and his eyes closed.

In his dream he was sitting in the grass next to Zu and Chubs. They were all smiling and laughing, but all he wanted to look at was this girl sitting across from him. She had hazel skin, curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. She wore a ruby red dress, under a faded brown jacket, a small smile on there face. She was beautiful. As he struggled to remember her name, she began to fade before his eyes, until there was only an empty space were she should have been.

He woke up to darkness. The moon shown high above the tree tops. Still frazzled and not knowing what to do. Liam continued on his path until he reached the gates to a city. Well it was more of a shelter than a city, but he was in no position to complain. He had spent years at the camps and then months on the run.

He left his bike at the gates and slipped inside hoping that he would finally find Chubs. Sure enough at the very center of the city was a small hospital. Keeping to the side streets to avoid being seen, he worked his way to the center, pauseing just outside the door, searching for a way in.

Word Count- 433

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