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Even after the strange girl, Ruby, left there was still an uncomfortable silence that hung over the two boys. Liam's excuse was simple; he had no idea what the fuck was going on. Chubs however was smart enough to figure out most of what happened.

He recalled when they had gone to bring Ruby back to her family. She had told him bits and pieces of what happened. If he was right, then it would probably be best if she explained it all to Liam first. The only question he had no answer to was 'why?' Why had she done ... whatever it was that she had done? The question swarmed in his head, until his thoughts were interrupted by a shy whisper from his friend.

"That girl," he began. "Who was she?" In that moment Chubs felt a twinge of sympathy for Ruby. It must have been hard seeing him like this. Hell, even he himself was having a hard time seeing Prince Charming like this. He was so... pathetic. It was sad. Charles took his time in answering, which was kind of mean but he didn't really care.

"Her name is Ruby, like you already know. I know a bit about her, but for the most part she is a closed book," He already decided that he would keep her secret, for two reasons mainly; one: to watch her squirm in the uncomfortable position and two: because she was his friend. Now he will never admit to the latter, but it was the truth. They had been through so much together that he really saw her as someone he could rely on and trust. While he did not always understand her and she did do stupid things at times, hey who hasn't, he could always trust that what she did she did out of love. That was who she was. Now if it was anyone else, the illogical approach of letting one's heart guide all of their actions would have infuriated him, or at the very least caused major annoyment, however because it was Ruby, it didn't bother him, in fact it was something that he had come to expect from her and he admired her for that.

Augh, the way that's worded probably sounds like a love letter. Don't get me wrong Chubs does like her, but not in that way, never in that way. She is not his type, no way no how. So anyway back to Chubs and Liam.

"She works with The Children's League, which you also already know. I'm guessing that she is pretty powerful as the adults seem to regard her with a certain level of respect. My best guess would be a Yellow or an Orange. She doesn't seem much like a Red. Other than that it's just a few guesses and hypotheses. Like I said I don't know much about her." He finishes his monologue and studies Liam's face for a moment trying to figure out what he is thinking. He was so lost in thought that it was kind of cute. He just had to ruin it.

"Do you think that you know her?" He inquired, looking a bit too cheeky. One of these days karma was going to come and bite him in the butt. Liam looked up flustered and confused.

"I'm not sure," he began. "I feel like I do but I have no memory of her. Am I crazy?" He looked like he was almost on the verge of tears, so in that moment Chubs had to be a good friend. Crying made him uncomfortable.                                                                                                                                                    

"I'm sure that there is a logical explanation, we just have to find it." He gave Liam a reassuring smile which seemed to help, then quickly changed the subject. "How did you get in anyway?" To that question Liam's face lit up and he quickly began telling Chubs all about his adventures over the last few months. Charles couldn't help but smile. The way Liam was taking was the same as when he used to tell Zu bedtime stories. Chubs used to listen because it was cute. He missed those days.

By the time Liam had finished his story it had already gotten late, so the two decided to get some sleep and continue talking in the morning. They said 'Good night' and that was it.

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