Author's Note(pls read)

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As school is starting soon for me my posts will become more and more irregular. I will try to write on weekends, but I'm not sure when I will be posting next. On top of that I am completely out of ideas. I am making up all of this as I go along and never really had a direction for where I was going. (I only started writing this because after I finished watching the movie I was sad and bored)
If you have any ideas please comment or message me, I will try to keep an eye out.
For the millionth time, thank you for sticking with me.

(update: Now that I have had my first day of school and know how everything is going to work, I may be able to post more then I thought. I am only attending school in person two days a week and one full day online per week. The other two days I am mostly left to my own devices to do independent work. Although I will not be able to write as much as I would like, I will still be able to. Also to any readers out there, please give me ideas and suggestions, I will read them. Like I have already said, I am out of ideas. If there is something that you would like to see in the story let me know. I may not use everything, but it would be a big help. Thx)

Edit: To the people that read this, please give me some direction as to where to go. My brain is mush and I'm running out of ideas. At this rate it will probably be months before I even write a word. Please help, I will try not to ask again.

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