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Even though she had wanted to see him again, now that she had she wished she could take it all back. He still had no memory of her or of their time together.

Stupid. That was you're own idea. It's what's best for him now.

Despite her attempts she still felt guilty. Were his memories really her's to mess with, even if she only had the best intentions? Was all of this her fault? These questions haunted her on the ride back. Thoughts swirled in her head threatening to drown her in a sea of guilt.

It was raining by the time they got back, so all activities were canceled. So instead Ruby locked herself in her room and pulled up the video feed on her computer. It was a few years old and the software was outdated, but it worked and it was her's. The news was the same as always; promotions for businesses and events, parents taking about how bad the plague had been and how much they missed their children, and of course President Grey's never ending promise to find a cure for the disease and bring back their children.

After a few hours she just got bored. Nothing new was going on, at least not that interested her. Instead she pulled out a bound journal and a wooden pencil. She thought about what to write, but the pencil went all over the place depicting the one person she could never get out of her head; hair messy from a lack of brushing, pointed nose, strong chin, kind eyes, and lips caught mid-smile. (I tried to find the actual description but it was no where. Also I'm bad at describing things) When Ruby realized what, or rather who, she was drawing she quickly closed the journal and flopped down on the bed. Pulling a pillow onto her face in what must have looked like an attempt to smother herself, she came up with a plan. First she had to talk to Chubs and Liam again. With any luck she would be able to explain herself and the situation. Then if he wanted to, she would return the stolen memories, that is if she could. There was far to many "if"s if the idea for her taste. Nether the less, that was the situation and it was not in her favor.

Remember (A Ruby X Liam Story - The Darkest Minds)Where stories live. Discover now