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Ruby sat on the edge of her bed, head in her hands. The past few weeks had been hectic. Between the trials, tests, and training, not to mention the meetings, she hadn't had any time to think. Which was actually a blessing in disguise, because now that she did, she could only think about him. About Liam.

Gentle sobs filled the room, growing heavier with every exhale. His soft blue eyes. His sweet smile. The way just being near him made her heart flutter. Her sobs turned into full blown cries and she had to cover her mouth, when she heard foot approach the door.

There was a quiet, swift knock on the door and Kate walked into the room, red hair spilling down her shoulders.

"I just came to remind you about training today..."Her blue eyes flashed to Ruby's dark one's, "Are you okay?" She finally asked. As she looked into Kate's eyes, she was filled with a strange mixture of anger and sadness that had become all too familiar.

"Get out!" Ruby yelled, "Leave me alone!" Her brown eyes flashed orange, red dancing in her eyes like fire. Her eyes flashed with power as she simply stated, "There will be no training, no tests, and definitely no meetings, from now until I say so! From now on any planning of my future will go through me!" Kate's eyes glazed over and she muttered, "there is no more practice until you say so, Ruby." Then slowly walked out.

Ruby's eyes shifted back to their original color and she flopped down on the bed, drained of all energy. Her injury from the day before throbbed, nearly causing her blackout. Her head swam and she was flung back to the last moments she had shared with Liam. His kind voice corrupted by anger. His eyes still glazed over and confused. The ache in her heart of seeing him go.

Warm tears picked her eyes, threatening to spill over. With those thoughts, she couldn't help but notice how both Liam and Kate had blue eyes, the same shade in fact. Though, Kate's eyes had never reminded her of Liam's. A hundred other things did; the ocean, the sky, even silly things like Twinkies, red dresses, and fields. A million things she saw, but never the real deal. A soft hiccup escaped her lips and tears streamed down her face.
She only wanted to see him one last time, to touch him, to hold him. One last chance to fix everything. To be with him. For him to remember.

Word Count- 425

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