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Being under the Orange's power hadn't felt like anything. There was nothing, just a faint rememberance of old memories but by now the numbness had faded. The two strangers stared at them and it was all she could do to not run away, dragging Zu with her. Liam could fend for himself for all she cared, after all she had just met the guy and if he didn't follow that was on him. But running would just get them attacked, so for how that wasn't an option.

"What do you want with us?" She asked. "We don't know anything. That was already established so can we please just part ways." That sounded very guilty but she hoped that they would understand. She really hoped they would leave.

The Red turned to the Orange and whispered something. They looked like she was going to object but the Red gave them a look and they whispered back something that sounded like "fine"

The Orange glared at the other but stepped back to let him take the lead. "We understand your hesitances-" The Orange scoffed and rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. The Red didn't notice. "- but Shadow is a threat to us all. If you learn anything please tell us. We just want to make sure everyone is safe."

"How could we even tell you?" Liam asked. "It's not like we could reach you. Is this your first time talking to people," Hina wouldn't be surprised if it was. The Red had a weird air of confidence and insecurity at the same time, mixing and surfacing in his voice and posture.

"We'll be around," he replied. "If you learn something, we'll find you."

"Or you can write a note and hide it under a rock!" The Red glared at them but they smiled and shrugged. "It's an option."

Hina nodded. "Fine," she glanced to Liam. "It's the best option that we have and it brings no harm to us."

Liam nodded. "I wasn't arguing."

"Good. We have a deal." They left.

'That's it. They're gone. Thank god.'

They all breathed a sigh of relief. Everything is okay. Everything was okay. They would be okay.

Hina hunched over, breathing heavily. "I never want to do that shit again."

Remember (A Ruby X Liam Story - The Darkest Minds)Where stories live. Discover now