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'Shit. How could this happen? Why did this happen? He wasn't supposed to be here. '

Ruby quickly glanced at Chubs, who had conveniently taken intrest in something outside. Annoyed she turned her attention back to Liam who had a confused, but cute, look on his face.

'Calm the fuck down, Ruby. Get your shit together. Introduce yourself. '

"Hi. I'm Ruby."

"I'm ... Sam" He replied.

Clear confusion was present on Ruby's face and Chubs looked like he was about to strangle someone.

Finally with a groan he managed a "My name's Liam" before sitting down in lounge chair in the corner. Ruby remained standing and almost looked like she was about to bolt at any second. There was an awkward silence as no one knew what to do next. Liam was trying to figure out who this "new" girl was, Ruby was busy trying not to melt into a puddle of goo, and Chubs was just uncomfortable as fuck. He kept glancing back and forth between his two friends, unsure of what to say or do. It was Liam who broke the silence.

"So Ruby, how do you know Chubs?" I have questioned.

"Well ..." she tool her time in responding, "I am one of the representatives of the Children's League that saved Chubs' life. When I heard he was a part of the famous Liam Steward's gang, I just had to check it out." She lied through her teeth. Liam glared at her trying to see if she was telling the truth.

'Don't do it. Don't look. ' Her inner thoughts failed her and her found herself drowning in the deep blue of his eyes.

Again it was Liam who broke the silence. "All right I believe you." was all he said. Even so he tensed up a bit more and wouldn't look at her again

They stayed there in silence until there was a knock on the door. Liam was encouraged to stay out of sight. When Ruby opened the door, a women the trio was acquainted with filled the doorway. She was in her twenties with dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her eyes were locked on Ruby, without even looking around the room. Not that it would have mattered much, as Ruby could just "convince" Catherine that she didn't see anyone.

"We should leave if we want to make it back before dark." Ruby glanced at Chubs and then quickly to Liam who was hidden behind the bed. "Alright," she said and followed the women out the door.

Chubs' POV.

Well that was awkward. What just happened?

Word Count- 426

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