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Days at the Children's League had a tendency to pass slowly. After being on the run everything moved slowly. No matter how much was squeezed into her day, the seconds just dragged on.

Of course not all of her day was jammed packed. She did like moments to herself. The quiet moments where she could sleep or read, just anything to fill her head and push away the quilt.

Those thought came at night. Before she fell asleep but after she was too exhausted to do anything else. In those moments there was nothing to do but try to justify all of her actions and dispel any negative thoughts until eventually her mind gave in and she slipped in to darkness.

But some nights that time never came. Ruby's mind would just run on and on with no sign of stopping. The next mornings were impossible but the next night her brain shut off easier.

Freshly awake after one of those nights, she was stunned to find that someone had the audacity to knock on her door at 7:30 in the goddamn morning! The world better be on fire. In the doorway was-


She smiled, still drowsy with sleep but bubbly in a way only she could manage. "There's a meeting in 15 minutes. No clue what it's one but you're invited so it must be something." Ruby muttered something unintelligible but nodded before closing the door. "I can walk with you if you want!"

"Please! I need someone to force me into that room." Juno laughed.

"Not a lot of time," Ruby muttered while trying to shrug on jeans and keep her balance. She did not succeed.

"You good!"


After she conjured the jeans, Juno and Ruby made their way through the halls in complete silence. When they arrived, Juno placed her hand on Ruby's shoulder. "You'll be okay. They value you." She spoke more to the wood doors than Ruby and that just put her more on edge. They could value her or fear her and still dictate every part of her life. They could still control her like they were the real Orange and she was just helpless. They could hurt her or they could hurt- 

"Hey! I'm serious. You'll be okay. Promise." Ruby grasped her hand but had to let go to open the door.

"You're late," Cate's voice was monotone but still sharp and cruel. She was probably so mad about the mind control.

"Sorry-" Ruby lied. "-I was asleep." Her voice was equally cruel in a way that it hadn't been before and she had to suppress a smile that would have come out all wrong.

"Whatever. She's here now. Let's start." The speaker was a man in his late thirties, Rick or something. He was decently kind and didn't put up with anyone's crap. He was also good with the younger kids, thankfully. Most people weren't.

Rick nodded at a late-twenty's person who stood by an old smart board. They had their name and pronouns on their shirt, thankfully, so Ruby could say with certainty that their name was Arson. The name would have been funnier if they were a Red. They smiled and started the presentation.

"Recently there have been accounts of an allusive bounty hunter that goes by the name of Shadow. It's well fitting because there is no way of knowing who they are. They have captured many escapees as well as undocumented powered children." There was a terrifying statistic and it only accounted for the captures that were known.

"Well there is a chance that they are just a rumor and scare tactic, there is also the likelihood that this person-" They pointed to a hooded silhouette, because like they said there was no way of knowing what they look like. "-could ruin everything we have worked for." They glanced at their notes for a second before turning back to everyone. "That's all I have. Thanks."

"Alright." John stood up. "Thank you Arson for bringing this to our attention. We must remain vigilant and be prepared to lock down the base at a moments notice. No one in or out until it is safe but for now there is no reason to suspect that Shadow is in our vicinity. Any questions?" No one spoke. "Be safe. Be prepared. Dismissed."

The group left as if nothing had happened. A few whispered amongst themselves, but only a small amount. The rest just left, maybe more somber than usual but normal. Ruby and Cate (A/N: just found out that's how her name is spelled) were the only ones who looked like they gave a shit. Maybe Rick cared, or John, or Arson, or maybe they all cared. Cared not just about the strategic disadvantage of losing kids, but about the kids who were taken. Those kids would end up back at the camps to be abused and eventually die or they would be killed by Shadow and marked an unfortunate casualty. Either way was unfair and cruel.

Could people not see that? Did they really only see the survivors as weapons, tools to be used? What would they do after they took down the government, lock them back in camps and cages? Or would they just kill them because they were too hard to control?

Greens would probably be safe, they could be advisors or something. Blues would be invaluable in construction. Yellows could help give power to whole blocks. Oranges and Reds wouldn't have that luxury. Maybe Oranges could be spies or de-escalators but more likely than not both high colors would be locked away or worse.

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