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(author note: So although I was able to come up with a new chapter. I was very serious when I asked for help. If  you have an idea of just some cute fluff or akward interaction that you want in the story pls message me to let me know. The only reason I published this was to-actually I don't know why I published this, but I never thought that it would get this amount of tracktion. Thank you all SO much. I love all of you. So anyway on with the story)

The light of day filtered through the curtains, hitting the bed with a kolidaskope of color. Liam had already been awake for hours; waiting and thinking, but it was time for him to leave. He had been hoping that Chubs would wake up in time for a proper goodbye, but perhaps it was better this way. Now he wouldn't have to explain his reason for leaving, but maybe-

No. He had acomplished his reason for coming. Chubs was okay, he was alive and safe for the time being. There was nothing else to do. Liam would just need to find a way to survive long enough to keep his friends safe, either with him or someone else.

Before he could get into his own head anymore, he opened the window and sneaked out. Luckly no one saw him. Unluckly the drop was higher then he anticipated, and he ended up hurting his ankle.

"Fuck. That hurts" The pain shot up his legs, leaving them feeling like Jell-O. Liam still managed to walk away, stopping only once at a small pain in his chest. His eyes brefly flickered back to the window and he wondered what his friend would think when he woke up. He wondered if he had hurt him. Still it would be best if Liam left. If he stayed he would just be putting them both in danger. So without looking back he made his way to his bike and took off once again.

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