Liam, Ruby, and Chubs

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The last months had at the mall had been nice. It had been harder to feed them all but even that had gotten easier.

They found ways to keep themselves occupied and tried to get outside as much as possible. Some days were harder than others but that was normal. Hina seemed attached to Zu, always trying to protect her. The attack must have terrified her.

Zu on the other hand was thriving. She relished in small things, like the taste of the crappy diner burgers and trying to climb the trees outside. She seemed happier than she had in a while and that was good.

Liam was happy to be around friends again but still felt on edge. There was that thing that he was missing and the attack hadn't made it easier. Though now he wondered if he would even call it an attack, no one had gotten hurt. Maybe "infiltration" was better.

It had been months and he was tempted to try and go see Chubs again, but thought against it. Hina had shared the small rumors she had heard about Shadow and Liam didn't want to risk any of their safety by trying to visit him, especially not when he was still hurt. Hopefully he would get to see him again when things quieter down.

The months passed with little more about Shadow. Other than stats. Six more captures. Two more early morning meeting. Damn. She hated those meetings. She hatred feeling stuck and useless. There was only so much she could take.

That's why she had a packed duffel bag in her closet.

There was a ringing in his ears and his head hurt but thankfully no broken bones. He moved to get out of the car, but froze when he saw a figure move, out of the windshield.


The figure passed and the footsteps seemed to disappear but he still tried to get out as quietly as possible. He unfastened the seatbelt and climbed over to the door. The car had flipped over onto the top with his door to the cliff side. If everything went like he hoped, which probably wouldn't happen given his luck, that could make for an easy escape.

He opened the door as quietly and soundlessly as he could. Thankfully the thing seemed to have left but he would have to abandon the car just to be safe. He could try to flip it back over, but that seemed too risky. His best bet would be to try to fun on foot.

Squeezing out and into the light, he thought that he would be in the clear but a shadow loomed over him and he knew he had been spotted. He ran as the thing chased him, until the only way out was off the cliff. So he jumped.

There was a forest of tall trees underneath him, and he managed to bend a branch toward him to grab. It sprang back into place when he grabbed it but he was safe. The thing wasn't going to follow. It probably though he was dead, right?

He climbed down and headed west, hoping that there was something out there. Well something that wouldn't kill him.

Everything is going to be okay.

Then there was another noise and he realized that the thing was chasing him and that it was a human.

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