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The next morning, Liam set out in search of food. There wasn't anything left on the shelves, but there was a dinner not a mile down the road. He had spotted it when he was walking and had been sure to make a mental note of its existence. There was no way to just walk in and not get caught, meaning he would have to resort to theft. It would be a small bit, only what was unattended and what could be squeezed through a window or crack of a door.

It took him about twenty-five minutes to walk the distance and another minute to find the back entrance. It was the morning rush and he had been lucky enough to find a To-Go order already prepared. It was in a cardboard container at the very edge of the counter. Underneath was a trash bin that could act as his cover. If the order went missing, the chefs might believe that it was accidentally disposed of.

After fiddling with the lock, Liam successfully opened the back door and snatched the box before anyone could react. From there he didn't waste any time. It had been fairly quick and simple, but there was no way he was going to take any chances. As soon as he got back to the security room, he opened the box and ate. The food had gotten a bit cold, but he was in no room to complain. There had been several pieces of toast, eggs, and hashbrowns in the box, and he relished it like it was the finest meal around.

The rest of the day was spent attempting to repair the security monitors. The odds continued to be in his favor and was happy to find a supply of tools, as well as any needed parts. By the time the clock above the food court had made a full rotation, the first of the monitors sprung to life. The rest were still riddled with static, but this one had been reconnected with the camera that was also located in the food court, not far from the aforementioned clock.

When the monitor sputtered to life and removed the last bits of remaining static, the screen showed two human figures; one looking around the booths, possibly for supplies, and the other just stood in the middle, following the other with their eyes. They didn't seem like much of a threat, more like scavengers and he knew that they wouldn't find anything. He was about to turn away from the screens, but then the person in the middle turned around and he recognized her immediately.

This was not done on time, so sorry for that. Working on getting caught up on the story and it will be easier for now. ('cause I don't have to do any writing for now) Expect another chapter by next week. -Alex

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