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After searching for several more minutes, he heard the creak of a door and spotted someone coming out of the building. The man hadn't spotted Liam yet, he was too busy smoking his cigarette. Careful that he wasn't spotted, Liam carefully slipped past the man, making it inside before the door shut.

The inside of the building looked like it had been rampaged by a tornado. It was a mess of cabinets, desks, and equipment. There didn't seem to be that many people on duty, which made sense due to the collapsed economy. It would be better that way anyway, seeing as someone might turn him in if he was spotted.

The entirety of the building seemed to consist of two long hallways of rooms, only two in use at the moment, a waiting room, and a reseption desk. Crouching low to the ground he slipped past the receptionist, a bored looking woman with white blond hair and bright green eyes, he made his way down the only corridor with lit-up rooms and began his search.

In the first room he came to he saw a man with tossled brown hair laying in a hospital bed, his eyes closed and his expression peaceful. Sitting in a nearby chair was another man, around the same age, but with white blond hair instead, similar to the receptionist's. He snuck passed, to the only other room being used, a few rooms down, opened the door and slipped inside, closing the door shut behind him.

(I just now realized that some of my drarry/scorbus shipping may have trickled into the story, sorry.)

This time no one else was inside. A monitor beeped steady, and there lieing on the bed, his eyes closed, was Chubs.

Liam raced to his side, heart pounding. He reached out to shake him awake, but before he could, tourquise-ish eyes met his.

"Hey," croaked a small voice.

"Hey yourself," Liam replied, "Are you okay?"

"Define 'okay'", Chubs replies sharkly.

Before he even had a chance to respond, there was a rasp at the door and Liam was told to hide. Prepared for the worst, he tensed up, preparing for a fight. The door opened with a creak, and standing in the doorway was a... girl. And not just any girl, this was the Liam's dreams, he knew this even though he could never remember her face, he just knew.

The odd thing was that she seemed to know him too. The look on her face, when she spotted him, was that of pure confusion. Both the girl and Liam looked to Chubs for support, but he just stared at them with a blank expression on his face. He glanced at the girl and an understaning seemed to pass between them. Finally she sighed and stretched out a hand to help Liam up.

"Hi," she began, her entire being tense, " I'm Ruby.

Word Count- 506

(Fun Fact in the book series Chubs was actually a blue like Liam, it was only in the film adaptation that he became a green)

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