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So I already confirmed (well kinda. It was in a comment) that Chubs likes guys, like romantically, in this au. So my question is do I make him a full homosexual and only like guys or a bi who panics internally when they see someone hot. This may seem like a silly question, but this determines how I will write future interactions with two characters that have not been seen or hinted at yet. They will be met in a future update and will play a big part in getting the new plot on the right track. I really love them, even though they may be considered antagonists at the moment. Please answer my question with your opinions. 

From the way the sun beamed down on his neck, he could already tell that it was around noon. However, as it always was, the weather was favorable. Ah, the beauty of fall. The straps of the backpack he had "borrowed" burrowed into his shoulders, but he would only complain in his head. His ankle still hurt but was getting better. As luck would have it, there had been no major damage or injury, just landing too hard on the ground.

It did make walking harder though and he found himself constantly longing for rest, not that he gave himself such a luxury. He could barely drag himself away from sleep that morning, which resulted in him losing hours worth of traveling time. Furthermore the town was also larger than expected, so there was that. Add on the late start and he had a good alibi.

It had taken hours but he finally caught the first glimpse of an all white building off in the distance. As Liam moved closer, he could make out the columns and windows that outed it as a popular destination in the days past. Like most of the old world, the mall had been deserted some time ago, likely already robbed of the few useful supplies escapes could carry. Still they were always a good, safe place to rest and hid, as long as someone else didn't have the same idea. The building was quiet and by the looks of it completely deserted. No one really knew why the malls closed so suddenly or why the stores had left everything there. Of course there were theories, this type of situation wasn't that which mattered much to the public.

The mall was empty and he had checked every room to make sure. It had taken a long time, but he now held the advantage of knowing some of the better places to hide, should the need arise. Liam would be safe for the time being. In his search, he had located the security room, which had been left open and seemed like as good a place as any to set up camp. He rolled out the sleeping mat near the middle of the floo, with a view of the security monitors. If he could get the system up and running, it would be a valuable asset for his survival. After traveling and being on edge for so long, he was more than willing to turn in for the night at one of the few "safe places" he had been at since East River. That night, he fell asleep with no difficulty.

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