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A/N: There's some stuff about hospitals in this but I know next to nothing about that (I haven't even watched Grey's Anatomy or anything) so if something feels wrong, it probably is. Feel free to correct anything.

So... Liam just left... without saying goodbye. That's not cool. It's like he thinks I'm not going after him when I get discharged. But whatever, he doesn't want to be a decent friend and say goodbye, okay. Shit, I hope he isn't hurt or into some stupid shit or kidnapped. Maybe he's with Ruby or Zu, I wonder how their doing.

The biggest downside of being stuck it bed was you had too much time to think and that was about all he was doing.

Each day had pattern to it. He would wake up. A nurse would come in to check in him and give him food. He would have physical therapy and the just deal with whatever happened after that. It was fine and he couldn't wait to leave.

By the time that day did come, he had had plenty of time to plan. If they made him go the Child's League he would just run. Honestly he would be running no matter what. The "plan" wasn't really a plan but rather a string of possibilities and now to manage them. Kinda a plan but incomplete and messy. If everything went right he would be able to find Liam again and maybe Zu. Anything so he wasn't alone. He hated being alone.


They didn't make him join the League. He got discharged and left, so crisis averted. Everything was fine. No one bothered him because he was able to avoid them all. He was even able to find a car to hot-wire. This was all going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay.

Then the car went of the road.

A/N: Sorry I forgot that I didn't publish this

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