Q and A?

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So because this story has gone on for a while, it has gotten a lot of reads, and to make up for the lengthy hiatus that will still ensue for an unknown time, (I acciedently skipped a nessasary chapter and have been writing the next) I'm going to make a Q and A. (am I saying that right) So comment questions for me to answer. They can be about the story, such as where I'm thinking of going, charactors (or more specificaly Juno and Ob, because they are my only Oc's for this story that you have met), or stuff about me. Fire away. I WILL get to them all, because I have nothing better to do. You guys have until Feb. 16, so fire away. 


Edit: So update, the Q n A will probably be when I finish with the next chapter in the storyline. (Maybe sooner) Basically you guys have lots of time, so please, pretty please, bombard me with questions. This is my first time doing a Q n A and hopefully not the last. You can also message me if you don't feel comfortable commenting it. If you want it to be anonymous, let me know. No question is stupid, so ask me anything. Please.

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