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When they first met Ruby, they didn't know what to think. At the time the only things that they knew about her was her name and the fact that she had run off to join Liam Stewart's group. The only reason that they knew that much was because of an accidental eavesdropping on Kate during a rant.

The first time that they met was because of Kate too.  Ob had been assigned to show Ruby around on her first day. Throughout the tour she had looked sad and distracted similar to now.

"Hey." They had said. Ruby hadn't looked up at first, so they had to repeat themselves a few time. "I know that Kate already introduced me, but I don't know if it stuck. My name is Ob and I use 'they, them, theirs' pronouns."

"Ruby. She, her, hers." She replied with a small smile.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Ruby." They held out a hand, which she cautiously shook.

Ruby looked around at them. "You know there are a lot of people staring at us." Ob chuckled.

"Yeah. It's not everyday that we get a new recruit and a high color one as well. They probaly just want to know if you are really on our side," They looked at Ruby inquisitively. "Why are you here anyway?"

She looked shepish, "The league saved my friends' lives, so I owe them that."

"Understandable. So bit of an odd question, but when was the last time you read a book."

The two had talked for the rest of the tour and began to hang out most days, if their schedule premited it. Although the two talked constintly, Ob was never able to find out what made their friend so upset. They never made her tell them, as it really wasn't any of their buissness, but they did hope that she knew that they would be there for her if she ever needed.

"Hey!" a voice called, snapping them out of their thoughts. "You almost ran into the door. What's on your mind?" It took them a minute to remember who this person was and what they had been doing.

"I was just thinking about the day we meet."

"Oh no! You mean the day I made a complete fool of myself." Ruby complained.

"Just the one." They tease, happy to see their friend smiling again. Still it was easy to see that it was forced, but they would let her get away with it, just this once.

Word Count- 418

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