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Darkness engulfed him, filling his lungs until they felt like they were going to burst. Just when he thought that he was going to drown from the inside, everything stopped. The pressure was gone replaced with a framiliar numb sensation. When he reopened his eyes, there were flecks of star-like lights dancing through the space. His hand reached out to touch one and the ground fell out from under Liam, pitching him into a nightmare Wonderland.

Television sets, their screens riddled with static, lined what would have been a wall, had there been such a thing. Rows of metal trees littered the opposite end, the black, brown, and reds of rust. On the two remaining sides two doors stood, both beckaning for him to step inside. As his hand came to rest on the north facing door, a blood red ribbon laced around his hand, pulling it away. Liam's hand stung as though it had been on fire and he winced in pain. The red river weaved across the room, diving down at times for a small peck before snapping away again.

"Stop!" His hoarse voice managed to scream and somehow the cloth obeyed. He wrapped his armed around himself, wincing at the burns. The thing just stared at him, tiling to one side as if confused. It looked confused. They stayed like that for one heartbeat. Then a wave of red crashed into him and he drowned.


Liam awoke in the middle of the night. His forehead was damp and his entire body was cold. He shivered inspite of himself and tried in vain to remember the contents of his dream. He recalled the sensation of drowning and red, always red.

He began to pack up camp, having already learned that he wouldn't be able to sleep after that. The moon still shown by the time he hit the road. Liam had already came to regret the desision to leave the bike behind, even though it had been too loud. When your on the run it is never a good idea to be loud. The sun would have been seated high in the sky before he reached a man-made settlement and only another half hour until he met another.

Word Count: 372

Writing the nightmare was very fun. I got to add all kinds of sybolism. (Can you guess the meanings?) Hope I did a good job. See y'all next Monday.

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