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~Third Person POV~
Everyone received their papers the next day and Y/N ended up 1st, she perfected the test without studying.

Everyone was asking each other, asking about their scores, Y/N had her test in her folder on her desk.

"Hey Y/N! What score did you get?" Kirishima asked and everyone perked up "Yeah! You didn't study before the exam so that's a disadvantage!" Sero said, Y/N smiled softly at them before she searched her folder for the paper "Well the test wasn't that hard and I studied advanced topics before so it wasn't really a disadvantage...." She said looking through her papers then she realized she was looking through the wrong folder, she groaned and bent down to the folder in her bag.

She flipped through the folder and she took out her test sheet and passed it to the guys. "You got it all correct!?" They chorused and Y/N scratched her neck sheepishly "My mind works in different ways I guess?" She said "Are you gonna come with us to study too?" Mina asked "Yao-Momo's residence? I don't think I can...." Y/N answered a little sad "Let me guess. Your weekend schedule is overflowing?" Bakugou said a little irritated while he glared at Y/N, she jolted a bit and laughed nervously "Y-Yeah..." She said "What are you gonna do?" Izuku asked.

"Well...The pack is kinda going nuts so I have to fix that, I have to catch up on my training and studies since I missed a lot, I have some plans with Katsuki on Saturday-" "Your going on a date!?" Mina exclaimed "Well you can say that but we do hangout every weekend and some free time...Then I have to go to the hospital cuz of some complications-" "It's acting up again?" Izuku asked and Y/N nodded and before anyone could ask anything, Y/N started to divert the topic by rambling "I have plans with Hitoshi too then I have a couple lesson sessions, taking care of Hitoshi and if Kat has time, we'll train together but that won't mostly happen since he must be busy this weekend which isn't a problem the only possibility that would happen is if probably get drowned in tasks but that's it and I-" Y/N was cut off by black crystals circling her, her mood suddenly changed.....

Y/N looked down and gathered and her things "I've got to go. See you on Monday." She said and picked up her bag and and turned her back on the others "Y/N?" Uraraka called, no response "Oi Fangs." Bakugou said placing his hand on her shoulder, she shrugged off his hand "Oi! What the fuck is happening!?" Bakugou asked, he caught a glimpse of Y/N's eyes and her left eye was pure black while the right had specks of black in them "I-I'll call y-you..." she said shakily and she dashed out the classroom "Y/N!" Bakugou called out but she was already out of sight.

Everyone soon went home, after getting changed into sweatpants and a shirt, Bakugou then called her but she didn't pick up so he grabbed a jacket and mindlessly ran to her house, he knocked on the door and it was answered by Shinsou "Is Y/N home?" He asked "No, we thought she was with you...." Shinsou said "What happened when I left class?" Aizawa asked while he came in to view "They asked her what score she get so she told them but then when she declined the offer to help them study, she rambled about her schedule trying to excuse herself but then-!" Bakugou stopped his explanation because of the sudden realization "Then What?" Shinsou asked anticipated "Black Crystals.....they circled her before she acted strange....but there was something wrong with her eyes...." Bakugou said "Her eyes? The doctors said she may have complications because of the injuries she got..." Aizawa said "No....They were turning black..." Bakugou said and they went quiet.

"Nee-Chan's eyes were black?" Kioshi spoke from inside the house "Kioshi, it's not nice to eavesdrop...." Aizawa said trying to divert the topic "It wasn't eavesdropping....You guys were too loud...." Kioshi reasoned innocently "Kioshi do you know what's happening to Y/N?" Shinsou asked and he just shook his head "Happening to who?" A feminine voice said behind Bakugou and all of them flinched "Nee-Chan!" Kioshi said running up to her but when he came close he stopped "Your not my Nee-Chan..." he said backing away.

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