Chapter38:Pro-Hero: Alpha

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~Y/N's POV~
I'm no longer a student. I'm now a Pro-Hero that happened to be taken in by the Commission and I'm apparently gonna be Hawks's partner. Everyone was already downstairs and I was trying new things with my quirk.

I heard Keigo's voice downstairs and Dad greeting him, He's probably here to pick me up for my first day. I rolled my eyes and continued experimenting. I hid my ears but my hair turned silvery-white, my eyes went wide, this meant my ears can be hidden by command by me! Just like my tail! I was so excited!

I rush downstairs squealing. "Hawks! Hawks! Look!" I exclaimed as I jumped on my tippy toes as I showed him what I found out "Woah Little Wolf, That's a new look!" He said and I nodded "Yeah! And watch this!" I said while I made my ears and tail pop out and my hair went back to E/C "That's a cool quirk Wolfy..." He said while patting my head "I know! I'll hide my ears now!" I said "How about you get the things you'll need on your first day?" Dad intervened and I realized "Oh! Right! I'll be back!" I said as I rush back upstairs. I get ready for my first day, my license in the inner pocket of my jacket, My hero costume in a crystal and I put my hair in a ponytail.

I go downstairs again, Kioshi greeted me and offered me some breakfast, I nodded and sat beside him as we ate breakfast. "Y/N!" Mina exclaimed as she and the others rushed to me "Your already a Pro!?" Denki exclaimed and I nodded "I am! Actually I was supposed to be a Pro after two months in UA but I decided to extend." I explained as I finished my food "Damn your lucky!" Kirishima exclaimed "That's what you get when the Commissions has their eyes on you." I say as I pick up my tray "Y/N! We have 20 minutes before we take flight!" Keigo exclaimed from the living room "Shut up Bird Brain! Your just excited to pass the mic to me when they ask about my debut!" I exclaimed and he sheepishly chuckled from the living room "Does this mean you won't attend UA anymore?" Uraraka asked and I sighed while bitter sweetly smiling at her and nodding, I put my tray down in the sink "I love your hair!" Momo exclaimed and I just chuckled "Yeah, I really thought my ears have a time limit but I guess not..." I said "Are you gonna move out the dorms?" Shoto asked, everyone went silent, I just smiled and looked at dad for his input, he just arched a brow before rolling his eyes and clearing his throat.

"Y/N will partially move out." He said 'Partially, really Dad? Your gonna tell them like that?' I thought to myself as I let out a small laugh "Yeah Dad, PARTIALLY gone too!" I sarcastically said and he just gave me a bored look "What does that mean Y/N?" Deku asked "It means that I'll be taking my things, moving out to a new place that the Commission gave to me BUT I'll be visiting when I have time!" I said as I grab my bag and Shinsou carried down my luggage, I kiss Kat before walking to Dad and Keigo, I turn to them and smile. "Thank you for always being there for me and taking good care of me, I'll visit if I have free time! See you soon future Heroes!" I said while bowing "We'll meet again soon so continue being great Heroes in training!" I said while putting my bag and luggage in a crystal and put it in my pocket as I looked up. 'Why are they crying?'

I was soon brought into a bone-crushing hug "You literally left us in the dust!" "Your already a Pro!" "I'll miss you so much!" "You better not get hurt." "Visit everyday!" They were all talking and I just chuckled "You'll be great Heroes, I'll try to fill you in everyday!" I said and they let go of me "Alright, Bye Everyone!" I said as I took Kioshi's hand and we headed outside, I look at Hawks and he was just smiling, I thought Kioshi how to make crystal wings but he still can't do it so Hawks just carried him, I made shard wings and was it just me or did it get bigger? I look up and saw Keigo's face, yup, it definitely got bigger. "How about let's secure this little pup first?" I said as I made a baby carrier that was made for Kioshi's size out of crystals that I put on Hawks, he was perfectly safe now and to be better, he was facing front so he could see the view, Hawks offered his hand "Shall we go Alpha?" He asked, I rolled my eyes "Let's go Bird Brain." I said as I zoomed up to the sky "Y/N!" He yelled as he followed me, Kioshi was enjoying this. We finally arrived at the live interview place, Hawks landed first, he put Kioshi down and I made the baby carrier disappear.

He helped me land gently so I don't break the platform since I was nervous. Cameras flashing and reporters and journalists were all here, Top Pro Heroes were here too. Endeavor, Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, Ryuku, Mirko and Me and Hawks. We greeted everyone as we took a seat beside the other pros. "And this is our new Pro-Hero that managed to climb up to the Top 10 overnight!" One reporter said as she referred to me "Wolf Hero; Alpha!" She exclaimed as I stood up and bowed, Hawks was definitely not bored this time, he's gonna have a lot of fun annoying me and I can't even escape since I'm his partner. "Tell us Ms.Alpha, How does it feel to be the youngest Pro-Hero of the Century, replacing Hawks's youngest hero ranking?" Another reporter asked, Hawks grinned as he passed me the mic "It feels self relieving to have made it this far at such an age, all the training I had paid off overnight too!" I answered and she smiled at me "Alpha-San, what's your relationship status?" Another reporter asked "I'm afraid that I'll have to say that someone has already stolen my heart." I answered while chuckling "Regarding the fact that you and Hawks-San came here together, what's your relationship with each other?" Another asked "Were just close friends-!" "We're actually partners!" Hawks said "Keigo Takami!" I whispered behind the mic and he just grinned and winked at me, I just rolled my eyes "I'd like to introduce to everyone my partner and friend, Pro-Hero Alpha!" He said, I face palmed 'Why do I have to be stuck with a dumbass like him?' I thought to myself as I waved and faked a smile.

"Are you two dating?" Another asked and before he could answer, I made a sharp crystal poke him and he dropped the mic, I ignored the question, no way in hell I'd date this bird brain, they continued their questions, they were questioning all of us and Endeavor looked like he was actually interested. The interview finally ended, Hawks showed us the penthouse we were staying in, He helped us unpack and make the place okay, it was fucking huge.

Feathers, Crystals and Claws later, we made the place comfortable, we ordered take-out since neither of us didn't want to cook so Kioshi dialed take out. It came and we ate while sitting on the living room floor, the view through the big windows were beautiful, Hawks being Hawks, he wanted to fly around the area after Kioshi went to sleep. We left a feather, crystal and note in his room so we knew what was happening. We went out for a night flight. No matter how beautiful it was from afar, robberies and other crimes were still committed in the alleys. We arrested 7 criminals this night, I accidentally left my phone at home but Katsuki is probably asleep at this time. Me and Hawks separated at 11PM, I came in and took a shower, I got into comfortable clothes and flopped down my bed.

I sent Katsuki a simple text 'We already settled in, it's been exhausting, love you Firework.' I sent it, charged my phone and immediately fell asleep. I knew being a Pro was tiring and dangerous but there's no backing out now, I'm finally free from the burden that Father gave me and I'm fulfilling Mother's expectations, Damn, I had to put my phone on silent just because the notifications went up. It's about my Hero Debut News.

Word Count:1481

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