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~Y/N's POV~

I woke up in Katsuki's bed, that was the best nap I've had since I became a Pro. I slowly get up and leave the room, I left a little note on Katsuki's forehead using one of his sticky notes.

'Good Morning Firework. I'm on for patrol. See ya later <3'

I got in my hero suit and walk downstairs, it was still pretty early, I was waiting for that bird brain, I sat on the couch waiting for him, Dad came in the living room and handed me some papers, I almost dropped when I read them. 'Inmate ****** has escaped, L/N Kaito.' I looked at dad and he just sighed "That's the second time..." I said "We know, He... clawed his guards...." Dad said, I sighed and I walked over to Shoto "Hey Sho, Do me a favor?" I asked and he nodded "Burn these when you  have time, thanks!" I said as I handed him the papers, He choked at the headline and I passed him a glass of water.

I got up and Keigo came in holding a bag, I groaned, I knew what it was. "Oi Furball!" He exclaimed and I greeted his face with a crystal "No. Definitely Not." I said while crossing my arms "It's just patrol clothes..." He whined "Patrol Clothes my Ass. You got one last week!" I scolded him and he just shrugged "This one is yours!" He exclaimed and I just raised a brow "Stop telling the uniform designers to make a new one every week..." I mumbled while taking the bag "Give me a reason to not." He proudly said "You were the one who destroyed the last one!" I reasoned and he just smiled, I groaned and went upstairs.

Ever since me and him became a duo, we manage to get our patrol uniforms in shreds, last week was solely his fault. I changed into it, it was just a black outfit just like the last one but this time, more pockets....

 I changed into it, it was just a black outfit just like the last one but this time, more pockets

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I went out the room and walked downstairs "You should get going..." I told Hawks "Oh! Right! Thanks for the reminder! Bye Wolfy!" He said as he ran out, I stretched my limbs a bit and turned to the dining hall "Izuku, pass me some bread!" I said and he threw a slice at me and I waved at them as I walked away eating my bread.

Time to test this new uniform out... I walk around, my mask was up to avoid media exposure. I headed to Nighteye's agency and I was greeted by Bubble Girl, the other members of this plan also came down to the agency and we partnered up, I stayed with Sir Nighteye till the observation today was over then I was passed over to Ryuku's team to assist them with their side of the mission. I was wearing a cap and my hair was tucked in it but strands were still out, I tripped while walking down the alley and someone caught me... My heart sunk as I saw the end of the mask, I quickly made reflective crystals on my face and dimensioned the features, I forced my hair to turn into an ashy color and my eyes turned yellow. I hesitantly looked up "You are?" Chisaki's henchmen asked "Aula, Aula Rin. I'm really sorry, I was running away from some guy that was following me and I panicked...." I lied, I subtlety dropped a hologram crystal, I was too close and I can't take chances.

I slowly switch out with the hologram and they didn't seem to notice. I blended in with the dark alley and watched as Chisaki "Murdered" me. My breath hitched and they heard it, I bolted up the alley's walls and covered myself with crystals as protection, They didn't seem to recognize me so that's great. I did manage to get scratched by the broken crystals on me that broke when the bullets hit, I really underestimated the gun power of those weapons. Bubble Girl treated my scratches, I had to take off my long sleeved top but luckily I wore a white tank top underneath but nonetheless disappointed that the designing department is getting a headache because I keep ruining the clothes, I mean, they were very sturdy and great quality, It's just my movements and Quirk can easily get them ruined.

I went back to UA, My top was just over my shoulders and my tank top was slightl0y showing, I had to walk as if everything was normal and Me, Pro-Hero; Alpha is just walking to UA to visit. I had my mask up, I ditched the hat and continued to walk while some people were taking photos, This is nerve wracking. I finally reached the UA gates and I was definitely relieved. I sighed and took the top off my shoulders, I was only wearing my Tank top and pants and I took off my mask. I forgot that there were other people here, I think I got used to living alone for a while.

I flopped down on the floor as soon as I closed the door, I sighed in relief that I didn't get killed. 'Istg when I get my hands on you Chisaki, I will definitely beat the shit out of you! You evil bastard!' I mentally curse him as I felt my heart pound rapidly, I had bandages all over my arms again. I just wanna rip Chisaki Kai apart!

Togata-Senpai came in and smiled at me "I heard what happened today, Are you okay Alpha-San?" He chimed "I didn't die, that's a bonus but am I okay? NO. Definitely not, I just want to tear him limb from limb!" I said while looking up at him, I saw him shiver and pushed Nejire-Senpai infront of himself and Amajiki-Senpai. I got up but when I tried summoning a crystal, it wasn't coming out, I looked at dad and he wasn't using his quirk, This is so annoying! This has to be that 'Drug' that Chisaki was creating, I knew it wasn't fully developed yet but the effects will subside in 24 hours, if that drug succeeds in it's development, it could practically erase someone's quirk for a life time or worse, the drug may take effect on the genetic transfer to the next generation and most of the population will becoming quirkless.

I groaned while tugging on my hair "Y/N-San, can you still make your ears pop out?" Nejire-Senpai asked and I looked at her questioningly "What do you mean? I never hid-" My sentence was cut off as my hands could not find my ears "My ears!" I exclaimed, my ears were gone, my tail was gone too and I can't summon my claws, I walked up my room, shoving past Shinsou as I felt tears brim up my eyes.

What if it got developed already...

I went in the training room and started venting out again on the sand bag. It's bound to come back right? I'm gonna have to retire from Hero Work early, I don't want to do that.

I hold the swinging sand bag and rest my forehead on it "AGGHHH!!!" I muffledly yelled as I felt something piercing in my chest, damn it, it was a prototype of the drug I've been shot. I crouched down in pain, it was getting hard to breathe, my tears streaming down my face, my throat sore from the whimpering and yelling, my phone vibrated, it had a red emoji so it was Hawks 'Here———-Downstairs——' was all I could read, I forced myself to get up and run down the hall, I stumbled down the stairs, I groaned and got up, I opened the door to see familiar red wings.

"Hawks! It hurts! It really hurts!" I sobbed while I clung onto him, I'm lacking oxygen... I blacked out.

~Third Person POV~
Y/N passed out in Hawks's arms, he looked so scared, Aizawa came to help him, they laid Y/N down on the couch "I got a call... did the agency inform you about what happened..?" Hawks whispered and Aizawa nodded "I talked to Recovery Girl about it, she said it'll be okay in 24 hours." Aizawa said and they sighed in relief. Hawks dropped off the new clothes for Y/N and left, the big three stayed by her side as she laid on the couch unconscious.

"She'll have to skip tomorrow, there's no way she will be outside with that disadvantage, it's too dangerous." Togata suggested and the two agreed, Y/N started to stir awake "Ugh... Why did I have to stumble upon them..." She mumbled to herself "Aizawa-Sensei said you'll be back to normal in 24 Hours." Amajiki mumbled and Y/N buried her face on the pillow "That's such a long time...." She muffled "At least you're okay..." Nejire said, trying to cheer her up "When I get my hands on that Bastard, I swear, I will kill him!" She said "How do you feel?" Aizawa asked "Better, no more pain..." Y/N said while sitting up "Good. You'll be spending tomorrow with the class." Aizawa said and Y/N nodded.

'Chisaki! I'll kill him!'

Word Count:1560

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