Chapter16:Morning Madness

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~Y/N's POV~
I open my eyes to see my dad and brother staring down on me, they had scratches and bruises on their faces....I wasn't on the bed tho, I was on the floor. Katsuki and Kioshi wasn't in sight.

I got up and groaned, my head was spinning, I looked around while rubbing my head "What the hell happened?" I asked, the room was a mess, a couple broken glass and crystal shards, paw prints on the floor, some were even on the walls and ceiling, a couple ripped papers and fabrics scattered "You don't remember?" Shinsou asked "If I remember do you think I'd be asking?" I deadpanned "Bakugou left around 4 and Kioshi went with him, you looked like you were having a seizure, you were whimpering and tossing yourself around...." Shinsou said "How did we end up with this mess then?" I asked "You kinda went crazy....I was trying to catch you but you were pretty kinda did this..." Dad said "W-What?" I said in total shock.

'I did this?....There's no way...." I thought to myself, I looked at the clock and it was already 6:05AM "I'll go get ready for school...." I said and stood up, I made a crystal and they both left. I quickly got ready, I saw I had cuts and bruises too....I went back in my room and made a rewind crystal, I looked at the clock, 30 minutes to spare, I made the rewind crystal turn into smaller pieces and it went around the room.

The room turned dim as the sun was still not fully out yet, I saw Katsuki leave the room after putting me in a more comfortable position, he went out and Kioshi tugged on his shirt, he picked him up and both went downstairs, they told Dad that they were gonna leave, I heard my voice quiver....I looked back in the room, my hair streak turned Blood Red....I whimpered and Dad and Shinsou came in, I started crying, my movements became violent...I was thrashing around, Dad called out my name and I went stiff.

I slowly sat up....My eyes suddenly flew open, they weren't E/C instead....they were pure fangs were showing as I growled and my claws were slowly ripping the sheets... crystals appeared around the room....I started to jump up my dresser....I wasn't myself...or is this really the real me?.....I looked like a Savage....My hair was turning red....

Dad tried stopping me from getting hurt or going wild, my crystals shattered at every move I made....I was leaving paw prints everywhere... the room was a mess....The crystal shards would cut us whenever it shattered....I kept avoiding Dad'd scarf, jumping off every surface and throwing stuff at them bruises if they got hit...Is this me? I was hurting them...

Crystal particles and shards scattered on the floor....blood was dripping down my nose.... Crystal overuse can give me memory loss.... My pupils suddenly constricted and the left one had a red core while the right one had a golden-yellowish core....E/C flashed before it dilated and constricted a couple times....Red, Yellow, Black and E/C taking turns before my claws that dug onto the wall suddenly loosened and I fell to the floor with a huge thump.

I went unconscious.....
The crystals faded and I fell on the floor, tears streaming down my face....I lost control? Was that the real me? Am I really a Monster?....

I went downstairs....I was having trouble remembering....I took my bag and went out with Shinsou since Dad already left....We were walking down the grounds and I couldn't remember anything....My mind went blank.

'What's my name? How old am I? What's my password? Where am I? I remember a couple memories but who were they? I remember that I went crazy earlier and everything seemed such a Blur..... All I knew was a couple people....Shoto, Shinsou, Kioshi, Dad, Katsuki and Izuku....I knew who they were but I don't know who I am!'

I reached into my pocket and took out what seems to be My phone.... I stared at it.... how do I open it? I don't know my Password.... I gulped...

Someone then tapped my shoulder....It was Shinsou....I looked at him with a slightly nervous-well more like a whole heck of a 'I'm seriously lost right now' "What's wrong?" He asked and I realized that we were already in front of Class1-A Room and I started to fidget, I gave him a nod and went inside the room quickly....

'Ah shit....Which is my seat...' I looked around and then I saw a Wolf engraved on a table and assumed it was mine, I liked leaving my mark on my property. I made my way to table beside Katsuki and I sat down, I looked down on my phone....

'What is it? Why can't I remember!? Damn it! What do I do!? How do I...remember?....' I was such a nervous wreck that I started to shake and I looked like I was in the verge of tears....

'What's my name?....Who's my friends? Who do I trust? What's their quirks? Who do I avoid? My memories are a mess....What happened Yesterday? Last Night? Last Week? How do I properly use my quirk without getting hurt?'

Many thoughts clouded my mind....I don't even know my name....I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I look was a little blurry because of the tears.

"What the heck is going on?" Katsuki said "It's just I...uh....having trouble with my memory... It's something with my quirk....I just can't remember...." I said and everyone looked at me with wide eyes "Nothing to make a fuss about...It'll probably come back....just uh....takes time I guess?" I said and I felt a hand pull me up and drag me out the room and led me to the end of the hallway, it was Shoto....

"Take off your blazer." He said and I hesitantly did what he said, he flipped me to the wall and lifted my undershirt, I knew I had a scar on the place where he placed his hand....A scar on the left side of my waist..... "Do you remember me?" He asked "Y-Yeah....Your Shoto..." I said and he nodded, I suddenly felt a cold substance go through my veins and I my memories suddenly same back "Do you remember?" He asked and I was on the verge of tears "Thank You Shoto!" I said and hugged him "Thanks to the bond you made...." He said and hesitantly hugged me back.


I was currently sitting on the grass, wearing a huge frown, I was 3 and I overused my crystals while me and candy cane kid made clouds, I used my crystals to trap his ice and then he heated it up using his other quirks while I kept it from breaking, as pretty as the clouds were....I couldn't remember anything...

I suddenly let the crystal break and some of his fire hit me on my back....he used his ice to lessen the my skin irritation and I didn't notice that I just got a new crystal....It was a Bond Crystal.

We both touched it and it said a few words "Whenever You Loose Your Memory, Touch the scar with His Icy Hands and you shall have your memories back." The crystal said and it went through our bodies.... we didn't know what it meant until I forgot my memories again when I was 6 and I was crying.... my scar showed a bit and it guilt tripped him.... he touched it with his index finger and a cooling feeling went through me and I remembered.....

Our parents found out about it and that's when they had frequent debates of QUIRK MARRIAGE tho mom never wanted to make me do it unless I was willing to.

*End of Flashback*

We let go of each other and I fixed my uniform, I put on my blazer on the way back in the classroom, Dad looked at us and I smiled softly "I guess Todoroki helped you?" Dad asked and we both nodded "Good. Now take your seat." He said and I parted ways with him.

'I only see Shoto as a friend. Katsuki is my boyfriend. I love him.'


Word Count:1450

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