Chapter24:Remember Me?

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~Third Person POV~
They placed Y/N back in her room, Ciara went to go for a nap in hers and Kioshi went with Hawks to get new medical supplies. Aizawa and Shinsou were sitting in the couch silently, tension lingered in the air.

The girls sat on the other side of the couch and the boys stood by. "She doesn't remember any of us?" Uraraka asked, Shinsou looked up and frowned before looking away while Aizawa just shook his head "She has flashes of Midoriya, Monoma, Bakugou and Todoroki.... She can't use her quirk, She remembers everything bad that happened to her...." Aizawa said "Monoma? From ClassB?" Sero asked and Aizawa nodded "Apparently during the test of courage before the attack, the two had a conversation and made up..." Aizawa explained.

"Does she know about the...." Todoroki trailed off "Yes. She's fully aware of it." Aizawa interjected, the half-half boy nodded and walked away "Why doesn't she remember?" Momo asked "She suffered from Brain Hemorrhage or Internal Bleeding that lead her into multiple critical issues but that isn't why she doesn't remember..." Shinsou said "What do you mean?" Midoriya asked "Its not about the injury, she woke remembering everything...." Aizawa said "What do you mean Sensei?" Mina asked "He means that Y/N's memories are fading." Bakugou said "She's.... Resetting...." Midoriya mumbled.

Everyone's breath hitched, Midoriya was holding back his tears, Bakugou stepped forward "Why did you let her!?" He yelled "Because of the Curse." Luna's voice said, they all whipped their heads to the door to see Luna and her group, Bakugou grabbed her by the collar "Are you stupid!? Why would you let her memories fade just because of that stupid Curse!?" Bakugou shouted while shaking Luna, Luna slapped him and he lost his grip on her.

"She wants to live because of you." Luna stated coldly, Bakugou's eyes widened, he slowly lifted his head "And she's in this situation because of your MISTAKES." He said making eye contact with her, Bakugou turned and walked away "Do you really think Y/N didn't come up with a plan? She persuaded us to let her. She has a plan that could guarantee her safety." Lynx said "SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE'S DOING!" Lyra yelled and accidentally making tremors "If you only believed her before, she wouldn't be in this situation. She would've lived a happier life but you didn't. You pushed her away and isolated her." Bakugou spat out and left the room.

Everyone was silent, they excused themselves and headed back upstairs. Bakugou stayed in his room but then he heard a knocking sound from a few doors away "Hey Y/N..." Todoroki's muffled voice said and Bakugou listened intently by his door "We should settle this before you forget about me..." He said and a few second of silence later Todoroki spoke up again "The next meeting would be this Friday Afternoon...." He said after a few seconds he spoke up once more "Be ready by then Y/N, Please take care of yourself until then...." He said and fading footsteps were heard and a door opening and closing.

Bakugou opened his door as Y/N closed hers. He contemplated wether he should walk up and talk to her or not. It was 11:49PM and Bakugou finally had gathered himself and managed to walk up to Y/N's door. He raised his hand, knuckles about to touch and knock on her door, he hesitantly knocked and after a few second of silence, the doorknob twisted and opened to reveal Y/N holding the iPad and Pen as she assisted herself on the IV pole that she was attached to.

"."- Voice

"Hello Katsuki!" Y/N greeted her blonde boyfriend "Y/N..." He said, his hand making its way to cup her face "I'm sorry..." He said pulling Y/N into a hug, Y/N hugged him back without a second thought, She held his hand and led her in her room, Y/N was slowly limping so Bakugou lifted her and closed her door for her.

He placed her down on the bed "It's not your fault Kat...." She said, she placed the iPad and pen down as she cupped his face, Bakugou opened his mouth to speak but Y/N pecked his lips and gave him a reassuring gaze, She moved the iPad and pen to the table beside her and hugged Bakugou by the torso as she laid down with him.

Y/N handed him a Memory Crystal and a Film Crystal. Y/N drifted off to sleep and the Film Crystal played for Bakugou, Y/N slept peacefully in his arms.

"So...I actually did it huh? Well there's no turning back now!" Hologram Y/N said "Now Katsuki, I love you, you never did anything wrong so don't be so hard on yourself.... Loosing my memories would break the curse." She explained and tears prickled his eyes "Every Memory I have would be in the crystal in Dadzawa's possession, the memories in that one would be the special memories I want you to take care of. My memories are a copy of me so once I loose them, the curse will be broken and when that happens, I want you to help me get my memories back." She said, Bakugou gritted his teeth as tears threatened to fall "You just need to take our promise crystal and break the 2 Memory Crytals using it." She explained "My Memories would return and I would no longer have a curse! Always remember that I love You so much Kat!" The Hologram Y/N said as her small lips kissed his forehead and disappearing into crystal flakes the disappeared into thin air.

Bakugou placed the crystals in Y/N's drawer and hugged Y/N as if he was gonna loose her at any second. He caressed her back and played with her hair until he fell asleep.

No words is needed for them to know that deep down, even if the word tears apart, they love each other, willing to do anything for each other, putting their lives on the line for one another and even how dangerous it is. LOVE.

Word Count:1040

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