Chapter47:Flying Around

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~Y/N's POV~
It's been a few months now, I haven't been to Ua and spent most of my days getting sick of seeing Keigo's face every single fucking second of the day. Commissions refuse to let me be Mirko's partner for just a little while. He's been acting loony and I wanted a little break, he's too much sometimes, I mean I was just laying on the couch when he threw a jacket at me and said we were going shopping.

"I ain't going anywhere Bird Brain. Besides, how'd you even get in MY penthouse, yours is like over there!" I said as I pointed at the penthouse beside the building I was staying in "We're going shopping Little Bird." He said with a smile "I just did like 2 days ago?" I said and he chuckled nervously "I may or may not have emptied your kitchen..." He said and my eye twitched "YOU ASS! COME BACK HERE!" I exclaimed as I chased him, he ran up to the rooftop so I put on the jacket and he flew away as I followed him "Your NOT going anywhere!" I exclaimed as I threw crystals at him, they disappear when they don't hit the target and regenerate in my hands so it was harmless for the people below us.

"I'm sorry! I'll buy you EVERYTHING!" He said as he tried to calm me down, he suddenly stopped and a huge crystal hit his head causing him to get dizzy, he suddenly started falling, I made a sharp dive, I was trying to catch him and get him closer to me so we both get into a barrier before we become like an asteroid falling to the ground. We were getting dangerously close to the ground and I caught him last minute and I protected us with a crystal barrier, adrenaline was in my veins and I was so scared, I almost killed him!!!

He groaned and I let him go but the barrier was still there "That was a painful smack...." He mumbled and I just looked away,he's making me feel more guilty on purpose... "I think that's gonna swell..." He said "SWELL!?" I exclaimed as I whip my head to him and I saw that the side of his face was red, I pursed my lips and took out a small breath before getting up and making the barrier disappear "Don't you care for me?" He said as I walked away, I look back at him and I took out one of Shoto's preserved ice from a crystal and wrap my handkerchief around it, I handed it to him.

He stared blankly at me and I stepped closer to him and placed the ice on the red mark, I lift his hand and place it on the ice to hold it in place, I use my crystals to carry him and we got to the grocery store. I bought EVERYTHING I needed and Hawks paid for them because it's his fault why I needed to get more food, I made him carry them too, he organized my shelves after that and sulked on the couch afterwards.

I paid no mind to his childish behavior, I got suited up for patrol and we left a few minutes later, he suddenly flew off and I was on top of the building watching the people below. My nose picked up a scent... Nitroglycerin, A slight smell of fire and Paper, Ink and Roses? I looked over to the side and saw Endeavor with Deku, Katsuki and Shoto? Hawks suddenly appeared and he was a few buildings away.

My attention was suddenly diverted when I heard something out of place, I follow it and it was a robbery. There were 5 guys, I crystallized their getaway vehicle, The boys were just right behind me, I left the remaining one to be in the guy's pursuit while I chain down the 4. They soon came back and the guy they caught tried to escape so I crystallized him. Endeavor's workers took them away and I walked over to Hawks, he was smiling at me, I faked a smile and smack him in the head "Woah-Alpha!" "Alpha!" Hawks and Endeavor exclaimed and I glared at both of them "You weren't synced at all. You could've been fried chicken Bird Brain." I said as I grabbed one of the books he was holding and hit him again with that "But I wasn't~" He chimed and I roll my eyes.

"Oh! UA Students!" I shifted my attention, I place my hand on my chest as I bow as if I put on a show "Have a great internship, you'll learn a lot from this hot headed Hero." I said before I smacked Hawks and he bowed too "I'll get going, I'll keep this, you seem to be deeply interested seeing you bought multiple copies." I said as I waved the book and placed my crystal wings out "Keep it Song Bird." Hawks said "Funny I'm a wolf." I remarked before flying off. I read through the pages during patrol, I found a note stuck in the pages from Keigo while reading so I tried to solve it.

~Third Person POV~
The boys were honestly impressed also confused. "Y/N didn't greet us the way she usually greets..." Deku said and Keigo chuckled "She's in the middle of patrol, meaning she's workings she's being the professional she is." Hawks explained "She's Alpha at work and Y/N when off duty, professionalism she practiced since she was a kid." Endeavor praised her from afar "I shall get going too. I have plans!" Hawks said as he flew off after giving a copy to Endeavor.

The group of interns went with Endeavor, minutes later after Endeavor had gone to his office, Burnin suddenly ran to her table and pressed a button, one of the windows rolled up and Y/N flew in, crashing onto the floor, crystals were pierced on her skin, it wasn't flakes, it was crystals and she was slightly bleeding, Endeavor ran out his office and Y/N stood up and ran to him.

"Alpha!" "Oh My God!" "She's still moving in that state!?" "Alpha! Your injured!" The murmurs and worried remarks echoed "IM ALIVE." was the only thing Y/N said to shut up the crowd. She and Endeavor had eye contact and went in the office with a serious expression.

Minutes later, they came back out, Y/N's wounds were nowhere to be seen but she still had blood smeared on her. She walked up the interns along with Endeavor "Ganbare." She said as she ruffled each of their hair "See you soon Endeavor." She said as she walked away, hands in pockets as she climbed up the open window, it was big enough to let her stand, she smiled and closed her eyes as she leaned back "Bye-Bye!" She chimed before she fell, the interns eyes widened but the whole office floor just sighed.

Y/N soon emerged walking up on crystals as her wings grew in place, she waved once more and flew off to the distance.

Word Count:1200

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