Chapter44:Lighten Up...

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~Y/N's POV~
Today is finally the day, I didn't even go to the dorms last night, I fell asleep in the Nighteye's office last night, my body is slightly sore but bearable . We've broken through the gates, Uraraka and the other girls were left at the front yard as me and the others continued to push forward.

We're going to come and save Eri. Dad was running beside me, I sighed as I stayed close to the group, multiple things had unexpectedly popped up and made the group smaller, Kirishima was taken too, it's gonna just be me and Deku, Mirio has gone on, Sir Nighteye was still with us as well as dad.

As walls appeared infront of us, me and Deku took turns bringing them down, he kicked them while I howled at it as I threw explosive crystals on it, it made the impact much more stronger as we kept going on.

I stumbled in the area were Mirio and the main members of the Yakuza were, he was holding Eri close to him. I covered Eri with a layer of crystals for protection, not missing a single inch on her and me. As we faced off, I assisted most of my comrades from the sidelines, deflecting this rocks and protecting them as I tried to bring Mirio and Eri to safety. Me and Deku were facing off Chisaki, He suddenly started threatening Eri, she came running back... this kid... she had already accepted this is her fate.... Sir Nighteye was hit, Deku was slightly bleeding and They were trying to escape.

I'm down on the floor, bleeding, I got hit pretty badly but I used my crystal to bring everyone out to safety, they've also secured the perimeter and I've assisted Deku from the ground, I made sure Eri won't fall off, she was becoming out of control... As Deku made hit final move on him, he fell a few feet away from me.... Let's just say... I was stuck under some ruble...

Deku and Eri came down and she was going absolutely out of control, I tried my best to make my crystals absorb her energy so I tried Lessing the impact on Deku. Dad finally fixed it, just in time, I lost consciousness due to lack of blood, I told them to keep my state confidential.

~Third Person POV~
Everyone that was severely injured were rushed to the hospital. Most of their hearts dropped as they saw Y/N laying on a stretcher unconscious and the Medics looked panicked, Aizawa didn't let them near her however, they made a promise to keep it confidential. She woke up soon after and the first thing on her mind was Sir Nighteye, she kept telling herself that she failed to protect him and he was gonna die....

She rushed out her room and stumbled down the hall, she came in and Mirio was already crying, a flatline on the monitors she fell to the ground as she weakened more. Hospital Staff came to get her, she needed rest at the moment.... She felt such a burden... Some tried to visit her but she declined each of them. She soon got discharged and went to visit Hawks at the penthouse. She came in and just cried on his shoulder. A letter came a few days ago when she was in the hospital, Sir Nighteye had already predicted this and he wanted to her to have a non-guilt feeling soon after. He also gave her pictures of her mom and him when they worked along side each other and how Hawks adored her when they were babies, all those forgotten memories....

She fell asleep on the couch, Hawks made her comfortable and left for patrol. He also went by UA to pick up Y/N's clothes. Hawks also told Aizawa not to worry about Y/N, he explained everything to him and his worries were relieved to hear that she was okay and resting at her home. Bakugou on the other hand was on his way to Y/N's home, he wanted to know what was happening, he even had gifts.

As he approached Y/N's house, he saw Hawks standing on the front of her door holding a bag, soon Y/N opened the door and Hawks pulled her into a secured hug, she hugged back and he rubbed her in a comforting manner, she then took the bag and Hawks went inside the house to go out the rooftop to head out for late night work, she sighed and crouched down, burying her face in her hands. Bakugou just stood from a distance confused. "I'm so sorry Mirai Sasaki. I failed this time." She said as she hugged the bag closer to her.

She was suddenly picked up and it was the one and only Bakugou Katsuki. "Hey Fangs." He said "Hi Kat." She said, her voice was slightly hoarse from crying too much, he walked into the huge apartment carrying his girlfriend, the gifts and the bags. He placed her down on the couch, she placed their bags on the floor as he handed her a bouquet of lavenders and baby's breath flowers,slightly clueless due to being out of herself for the last few days, she just stared at this unusual behavior "Just take it dumbass." He said as he placed both her hands around the bouquet "I just thought you would really need someone right now, you've been distant and according to Sensei you're upset about the mission-" He started to ramble but he was cut off with a Y/N's lips meeting his "Thank you." She mumbled with a slight smile.

" She mumbled with a slight smile

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Bakugou blushed, he picked up the bag that's full of gifts and placed it on her lap, he then took the stuff he bought and went to put them away. He started to wander in the kitchen and with a blink of an eye, he was already prepping ingredients for their dinner, he was gonna cook for them. It was a Friday night so it was the weekend the next morning anyways so he was planning to stay over.

"Love?" Y/N called from the couch "What?" Bakugou asked as he cut up some onions "Why did you get me a lot of gifts?" She asked "Because you deserve them dumbass." He simply answered, Y/N stood up and ran over to him and hugged him from behind, he was definitely getting butterflies but he tried his best to hide it "Thank you so much Kat, you've made my day so much better." She mumbled as she rested her head on his back "And we're having F/F (Fav. Food) tonight." He said casually and Y/N smiled as she peeked over his shoulder "I wanna help!" She said and he chuckled, he then gave her something to do which was go set up the table and relax on the couch afterwards.

She didn't want to just do that since she wanted to help him with the cooking but he just said to just do as he says because she's still tired.

Word Count:1200

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