Chapter22: Villains

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~Y/N's POV~
We were going through the test of courage. Class 1-B would be doing the scaring and We would go in the forest in partners, I volunteered to go solo, I went in first, it wasn't that bad, hardly even flinched and occasionally stifling my laughs.

I came across Monoma, he tried jump-scaring me but my giggles broke out "Eh!? What's so funny Wolf!?" He asked "Your hair." I said as I pointed on his blonde fluff that was decorated with leaves and dust, his face dropped and quickly patted his head off, he brought his head back up and there was a leaf still dangling on the side.

I reached out and took it out, he looked kinda hostile but then I showed him the leave and I giggle to which he started laughing too "You know what, your not that bad Wolf." He said "Why? Did you think I'd have a bad attitude?" I said jokingly "Kinda. You are Bakugou's Girlfriend. Guess I was wrong.... let's start over?" He said while extending his arm, I held it and shook it "Sure... I thought you'd be scared of me tho... you know... yesterday..." I said while letting go of his hand "It was my fault... I shouldn't have done that... Neito Monoma, call me anything..." he said "L/N Y/N, sure Anything...." I said jokingly and he chuckled "Your cool L/N." He said "Call me Y/N, I don't really like my last name..." I said and he nodded.

"Welp. Let's talk again later Anything." I said while walking away "Okay, Later Y/N." He said hiding back in his spot. I continued walking through the forest but then I heard explosions and the smell of burning wood and leaves lingered in the air, I looked around and I saw blue flames a couple meters away, before I could move, I was immediately knocked down to the ground by a blonde girl.

She tried stabbing me but my crystals deflected her knife, I kicked her off and she was just laughing "Y/N!" Monoma's voice echoed through the trees, I whip my head back and the girl went for Monoma, I quickly change into a wolf and use a holding crystal to carry Monoma, this crystal will make the thing that touches it go inside the crystal, it's pretty spacious in it so it's not a problem, I carry the crystal in my mouth and run away from the girl.

"Seriously!?" Monoma yelled from the crystal, I made a copy of me in the crystal to accompany and explain to him. While running, we were surrounded with purple smoke, I make a crystal muzzle mask so I won't inhale any dangerous substance. I bumped to Momo in the smoke, I change back into a human and release Monoma from the crystal and gave him a mask, Momo was making masks with her own quirk so a lot of people were running away safely, I helped with the mask production and almost everyone had one.

"Come on Y/N!" Momo said while pulling my wrist "Go without me Momo. I need to help the others, Tsu and Uraraka were behind me and there's a crazy person that attacked me and Monoma, I need to go back for them!" I explained "But Y/N-" "Lead them to safety Momo, I believe in you, I'll stay alive..." I said while running off.

There were tremors and loud crashes echoing around and soon I heard Mandalay's voice allowing us to use our quirks, I mean I already violated that but I guess now I won't have to feel guilty. Since I was a wolf, I had enhanced hearing and kinda eavesdropped on conversations, I found out that Katsuki was their target before Mandalay said it.

I finally find Uraraka and Tsuyu, as expected the blonde girl was attacking them. Tsuyu had a cut on her tongue and Uraraka was on the ground, she flipped the girl but as they stood up, she tried stabbing her again, I quickly ran up to her and kick her away, she hit her back to a nearby tree and I pin her down "Who are you!?" I asked "Your so pretty! I attacked you earlier but you seemed to be friends with that blonde guy and ran away with him... I really wanted your blood!" She said "Answer me!" I yelled at her while applying pressure to her body "Himiko Toga~" She said and winked at me before kicking me and she ran away.

"Y/N!" Uraraka exclaimed, I staggered back "I'm fine, how about you?" I asked "Just a couple cuts..." She said, I made a healing crystal and gave it to her "That'll help." I said as I looked around, I saw Deku all beaten up, without a second doubt I wrapped him up in a healing crystal "Y-Y/N!" He stuttered "Don't be so reckless Deku!" I yelled at him "Where's Katsuki?" I asked "He's over there-Where is he!?" Deku exclaimed "You lost him!?" I yelled "Looking for this?" A unknown voice said, I look up on the tree branch behind me and a guy with a mask was there.

Katsuki was in the marble. That was his quirk. I quickly chase after him, leaving the others behind but they were still in pursuit. I was too far ahead and when I jumped to grab the marble from his hand, he didn't seem to expect but he placed me in a marble too.

I could see what was happening outside but I couldn't do anything, he has Tokoyami in another marble, he trapped Shoto's ice too. He tricked them, he made Katsuki's marble disappear and I saw him again, I was thrown into another guy's hand, he cracked the marble, I was injured, he set flames and even if I had my crystals protecting me, the heat was suffocating.

I finally got released but I couldn't move from the injuries I got, I felt warm liquid dripping from my head, arms and legs, I was barely conscious since the heat made me hazy, I tried reaching out for Katsuki but the warp hole was gone and I lost consciousness.

I could still hear the muffled screaming but it felt like I was under water, I couldn't breathe, I was drowning, I could barely see, the water made it blurry, I couldn't speak because I was under water and the voices were all slurred and it felt like I kept sinking until everything was dark and I had no more oxygen.

~Third Person POV~
Everyone tried everything to wake Y/N up or to make her respond but she was barely alive at this point. She was loosing so much blood and was injured severely .... right infront of her Boyfriend's eyes....

Everyone that was injured was rushed to the hospital, Y/N was in critical condition and even after getting out of the ER(Emergency Room) she was put in the ICU(Intensive Care Unit).

The Wolves, Shinsou, Aizawa, Kioshi, Ciara and Y/N's classmates and friends could only visit her behind the glass, the gifts, cards and flowers were on the outside of her ward slowly piling up. Machines attached to her, beeping slowly, her chest rising and falling but she haven't opened her eyes.

It broke every single one of them. How would they tell Bakugou that she ended up like that because she tried to save him? No one blamed him, Y/N wouldn't like that and she was there because of her choices and determination to save him.

The others saved Bakugou but none of them still haven't told him anything. Deku finally spoke up as they walked to his house....

"Y/N's still in the hospital..." He whispered, Bakugou froze and grit his teeth, his hands were balled up in fists "What's her condition?" He asked sternly "..." Izuku couldn't bring himself to say anything "WHATS HER CONDITION NERD!?" He yelled as he grabbed him by the collar "C-Critical...." He whimpered out, Bakugou's hand dropped and lowered his head "Ever since the attack...She hasn't woken up... the doctors say she still on high risk until now..." He said while tears streamed down his face "Gomen Kaachan...I couldn't protect her..." he said, lowering his head, tears falling on the pavement.

Izuku's eyes widened as he saw another drop of tears infront of his, Bakugou was crying, biting his lip and inner cheeks to prevent his sobs... Izuku placed his hand on his shoulder "Gomen! I failed her!" He cried out "It wasn't just you." Bakugou said lowly and walked in his house.

Izuku was shocked as kept thinking as tears traveled down his face every now and then while he walked home. Bakugou was in his room bawling his eyes out, letting his emotions out. Y/N was still unconscious, laying in the ICU bandaged up and weak.

Word Count:1500

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