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~Third Person POV~
Everyone went outside and continued their training while Y/N was in the room with Shoto and the Wolves.

"Y/N... What do you remember?" Lunar asked "My name, I'm 14, I think I fell off the forest end and I remember falling into a stream." Y/N said "Y/N, remember me?" Shoto asked and Y/N nodded "Turn around and lift the left side of your shirt." He said and Y/N did as she was told.

Shoto touched the scar and the room felt a sudden cold breeze "I-I remember...." She said slowly turning around "Where's Kim!?" She asked "He's okay. Alive and Well apparently..." Lynx said and Y/N sighed and eased in her futon "How do I get rid of the curse?" She asked "There are Two Options." Artic said "You and Him unite as lovers, The bond Crystal will destroy the curse for you." Artemis said "Or You abandon your Pack." Lynx said "There's another one but I'm pretty sure that no one has done it yet...." Lunar said "What is it?" Y/N asked "You Break It. You are the curse itself so it's either you break yourself or die..." Lunar said.

"You can use a sacrifice but the sacrifice has to be a copy of you." Kim stated as he popped out of nowhere earning a painful punch in the face from Y/N, Kim fell in the floor clutching his nose, groaning in pain "Stop appearing out of nowhere! How do you even do that!?" Y/N scolded him "Do what?" Kim joked "I wish I never taught you how to camouflage yourself." Y/N groaned "Too bad." He said, Shoto grabbed a piece of cloth and made some ice and gave it to Kim for his nose "Thanks Candycane!" Kim said and everyone snorted at the nickname.

A couple hours later, Y/N was finally allowed to go out, it was Lunchtime already. While walking down the hall to the cooking area, Y/N made a little statement that made the wolves and Shoto "Why break something that's already broken?" She said and they tried to make her take it back but she refused to, this interaction ended up with Y/N running away and then chasing her.

"Y/N!" They yelled "STOP! I WAS JUST STATING THE OBVIOUS!" Y/N yelled as she swiftly turn around in the corner, expecting the back door to be infront of her but no sir. Someone left the back door open and Y/N fell out and lost her footing, immediately falling into the ground as if she was diving into water. She let out a little frightened squeal as she thumped on the dust.

"Y/N! Take it back!" Shoto said as he ran down the hall, Y/N scrambled to her feet and ran for cover which she found behind Bakugou "Kaachan! Help Me!" Y/N said as she hid behind him as Shoto and the Wolves all thumped on the ground because Lycra's foot accidentally tripped Shoto's foot making them fall like dominoes.

They groaned as Y/N snickered, everyone was confused but still chuckled at the scene. Artic got up and ran to Y/N, Bakugou lifted her up by the waist and dodged Artic's attempts to take her.

"MOMMY!" A squeaky voice echoed in Everyone's ears, they all directed their heads to the door, a small girl stood there, Black Hair and Red Eyes.... Lunar's daughter but she introduced herself only as the child's Aunt, brought her up with only knowing Y/N was her mom. The child was 4 years old.

Ciara- Meaning Black.

The little girl was named Ciara, named by Y/N herself when she was born at January 30, 4 years ago when Y/N was only 12. Ciara is half wolf, her quirk is Mind Control and Teleportation, if she overuse it she will experience head aches and nausea.

Y/N hasn't seen Ciara ever since she came back from America since she was left there with other relatives, the child always longed for her, aware of the fact that she didn't truly came from her but still loved her without a doubt.

Ciara teleported to Y/N's side, Y/N was lifted up in the air by Bakugou "Mommy..." Ciara said as she tugged in Y/N's leg, Y/N quickly slipped out of Bakugou's arms and knelt down infront of the child, examining each other. Making sure that they were real.

The child raised her hand and touched Y/N's cheek, Y/N giggled and booped her nose "Baby Wolf..." She mumbled, the child let out a happy squeal before pouncing on the girl.

Y/N wrapped her arms around the small child, it felt so long since she last had her in her arms. When Lunar gave birth, she didn't want to own up to the child, Y/N 'volunteered' to be the "Mother" and even gave the girl a name, by volunteer, I mean by forcing her into a corner and guilt tripping her but Y/N only did it to protect Ciara and try to fill the void that Kimiko left.

Ciara managed to change her eyes, she looked like Y/N when Y/N was still in her not cursed state, black long hair and red eyes but now she had H/C hair with a color changing streak and complicated eyes. The child was able to change her eyes and hair color to whatever she wanted to but black hair and red eyes was a default for her since it's Y/N's features a few months ago.

"I missed you..." Y/N whispered "I missed you too Mommy!" Ciara squealed, Y/N picked the child up and stood up "Ciara this is Bakugou Katsuki-" "Oh! The blonde guy that you always talked about!" Ciara said and Y/N nodded.

Ciara wasn't ordinary.... she was like Y/N in a certain way.... At the age of two, Ciara could run around perfectly and talk fluently with only a slight difficulty in certain words. Unlike Y/N, Ciara was never neglected or threatened because of Y/N's protection.

"You have a mini Fangs?" Katsuki asked as he cupped the child's face with his rough hands "Mommy loves me!" Ciara exclaimed and both chuckled "Yes I do..." Y/N said "Why didn't you tell me?" Katsuki asked while looking at Y/N dead in the eye "Mommy loves me even if I'm not her own child...." Ciara said and everyone's eyes widened "Nonsense Ciara!" Y/N scolded the child while hugging her tightly as if it was a stuffed toy.

"My birth mom is Auntie Lunar but Mommy loves me more..." Ciara said as she nuzzled her head onto Y/N "I don't see a difference within the two of you...." Izuku chimed in and Ciara perked up "Broccoli Boy with Freckles!" The child squealed and everyone stifle their laughs "Is- Is he Midoriya Izuku, Mommy?" Ciara asked and Y/N nodded "Mommy calls you Freckled Baby!" Ciara said and Y/N giggled "B-Baby!?" Izuku stuttered "Yeah! And she calls him Spiky Teddy!" The child said as she pointed at Bakugou who looked amused and irritated at the same time, the child flipped her body around to face Shoto who was walking up to them "Ohhh! It's Candy-cane!" Ciara exclaimed "Correct Baby Wolf..." Y/N said as she patted her head and put her down.

"What heck Fangs!?" Bakugou yelled and everyone bursted out laughing, Izuku held him before he ounces on the mother-daughter duo and one Candy-cane.

Word Count:1280

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