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~Y/N's POV~
I woke up and took a shower but as I picked up my hero suit I realized that I was gonna be staying in today, they didn't want to risk me getting hurt when my defense is down. I saw the uniform I had to wear, it would be an excuse to the media that I am here as a school guest while I'm not in patrol, I wore a suit, I put on my pants and buttoned up my white long sleeved undershirt and grabbed my tie, I tied it and placed over my blazer, I wore formal shoes and kept my hair down.

I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and saw Kirishima "Ohayou Eijiro!" I greet him "Woah! You look great Y/N!" He said and I just smiled "Thanks Eijiro, whhy did you knock anyways?" I asked "Oh! Aizawa-Sensei is calling you downstairs and we'd all like you to join us for breakfast?" He suggested and I nodded "Yeah! Sure!" I exclaimed and we went down the hall with him, we were catching up on some happenings in class while I was gone, we reached the end of the first floor and I was about to walk to the kitchen with Kirishima but Dad called me over, I walked over to him.

"Your a Pro-Hero so you need to wear this, it's a symbol of your agency." He said as he placed a chain cuff pin under my collar, it had a gold wing since I'm in commission... I was on school grounds on a very out of the blue day... "I'll keep it on." I said as I looked at it, I walked off to the dining hall.

" I said as I looked at it, I walked off to the dining hall

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"Ohayou Min'na!" I greeted them "Damn Y/N, You look very...." "Pretty." "Formal." "Professional." "Idol-like." "Fancy." Everyone continued to call me all sorts of different compliments but Mineta said something disturbing as I sat down beside Katsuki "Her boobs pop out more...." He said and I was pretty bothered, Katsuki almost blasted him but I didn't want to cause a scene this early, I just held his hand  before I ate my food.

They went to class as I trailed behind them, I was just standing at the hallway while looking out the window, I felt something crash onto my shoulder, I looked over and saw Monoma "Oh! Alpha!" He exclaimed "Hey Monoma." I said and we ended up picking up a conversation that we even talked over a bottle of juice by the vending machine. He was oozing with confidence but I tried matching it. We walked down the hall and separated when he went in his classroom and I walked over to 1-A's classroom.

I knocked and Dad's voice gave me permission to enter, I opened the door "Where's Noie?" I asked him as I popped my head in the crack of the door "Noie?" He asked "Yeah!" I said "I don't-" he was cut off with a meow echoing through the room, it came from the class tho... "What?" Denki asked and I just titled my head slightly as I stared at him "Noie! Let's go!" I chimed and Noie jumped out of Denki's bag and ran to me "Ha! I knew it!" I said but then Noie sneezed and she let out sparks, in other words, I got electrocuted... the next thing I knew, I was laying down in Recovery Girl's office.

"Perfect Timing Y/N, your boyfriend is about to beat up that Kaminari kid..." RG said and I quickly got up and ran out, school was over already so I headed straight for the dorms, I barged in and saw Katsuki about to blast Denki, I jumped on him and he still gave sparks but we rolled onto the floor, I was on top of him, I was panting heavily and slightly sweaty "Calm...Down..." I breathed out, we ended up sitting in the living room and talking things out and how Noie can pass and absorb quirks....

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