Chapter 16

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Sloane watched as Jasper stiffened his posture reminiscent of his military days, the small smile on his face faded away to a cold look as he pulled her closer. Isabella Swan was staring her curiosity apparent. When Sloane glared at her the girl immediately looked away "It seems she has a staring problem". Rosalie scoffed and leaned into Emmett who now was on guard, a human who was too curious would be a problem they did not need.

Sloane just rolled her eyes, and the quartet entered the building, Edward and Alice watched them from the shadows with frowns on their faces. It had been two years and they had not acknowledged them at all. Sloane noticed the two and just rolled her eyes before looking at them "Stay far away from Isabella Swan she is too curious for her own good".

The first acknowledgement in two years and it was a warning. Alice glared at the woman as she walked off. Jasper's arm was wrapped tightly around her waist as he guided her away from the two vampires. "You warned them even though they upset you?" Sloane shrugged "We are connected by secrets it's better to be careful".

The couple entered their first class for the morning and sat in the very back of the class. To their surprise, Isabella Swan entered with her slip ten minutes into the class with a flushed face. All Sloane could think was 'Why, can't have one century of peace?'

If Jasper felt her annoyance, she had no idea as he kept his arm around her shoulder as she leaned into his embrace. She was quite annoyed by this mortal, and she had no idea why, but she had been alive for so long she was aware that trusting her instincts, especially her demi-primordial instincts was important. Instead, she took her eyes off the girl and focused on her mate.

Isabella Swan had moved to Forks reluctantly, as she wanted to help her mother out but regardless of anything she hated the cold and here she was in cold dreary Forks. How her father could stand this place she had no idea.

Even though the school was boring, she did not expect any of the students to be rich or insanely beautiful. The Hales were stunning, she had been surprised by their beauty as it seemed so outwardly, like something that belonged in a novel. However, her attention was on the African beauty who was engaged to Jasper Hale. She was stunning with bright eyes and thick black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail.

Like the others, she was beautiful and almost untouchable but something about her seemed godly and she moved with the grace of a queen. She had heard that the girl was originally from Greece maybe she would visit the country own day in hopes of finding such a stunning partner.

She could not stop staring only when she noticed the glare the blonde gave her did her eyes flash to the floor. Like the mystery girl, the blonde woman also seemed to exude a godly aura and her eyes were so unique it stunned her. Why would such people live in this lonely small place?

The question plagued her mind as she made her way to the office "Hi, I'm Isabella Swan." The woman glanced and her and smiled yet her eyes reflected her thoughts, this town hated her mum for leaving Charlie and taking their child with her. She knew they all were thinking that the prodigal child had returned.

As the woman handed her a map, her class schedule, and other papers before letting her leave frankly she was glad that her first class was an easy one. English was a favourite of hers and was something she could use to get over her annoyance at the small-town gossip. Building three was not as far as she expected yet she did manage to get lost on the way to Mr. Mason's class.

The period was ten minutes in by the time she entered, she was a bit surprised when she saw the mystery girl and her boyfriend in the class pressed up against each other. The guy whom she had seen earlier with a cold look on his face was smiling down at the girl as they whispered quietly to one another. Their interactions were so balanced she could swear that they had been around each other for years.

The interaction was so smooth that she assumed that they had been together for at least 5 years. After taking her seat she glanced at them and almost gasped, They were having a full-blown make-out session, and no one seemed bothered. It was like they forgot that the couple even existed. Before she could say anything, someone nudged her "Leave it be they already finished the work for this semester, sleeping in class is no issue".

"Sleeping??" Bella mumbled and looked back maybe she had been seeing things, but as she turned to pay attention to the class, she missed Sloane opened her eyes and frowned "A shield huh, how interesting." Her thoughts flashed to Renata the only shield in the Volturi. Powerful but a physical shield, not a mental one. If this girl was turned and trained, she would give Jane and Corin problems not that Sloane liked Corin's gift in the first place as she found it somehow disturbing.

She fixed her illusion by adding more of the mist "Adding the mist to her gift made things easier and harder for the shield to penetrate. Her eyes glowed a bit before she fixed herself on Jasper's lap "That was close". She felt his smile against her shoulder before he pressed a few kisses on her now bare shoulder.

"It's a shame I can't indulge in your screams right now" The heated look he gave her as he whispered the words caused her cheeks to flush before she leaned into his touch "Tempting" was something the couple had started doing since Sloane had mentioned how comfortable she was with public teasing. Yet today would be the first time they attempted to do so in school.

"Drink from me." It was a soft plead that he fulfilled leaning over and biting her neck, the soft moan that left her lips, caused him to grip her waist after a few minutes he pulled away and licked the area. "Delicious" Sloane laughed and kissed him "I always am, now let's actually pay attention, my love."

The couple quickly fixed themselves before Sloane removed the mist, when Isabella glanced back at them the couple met her gaze briefly before leaning against each other and whispering it seemed that she had disturbed them.

She had three more classes before lunch hopefully in that time she would find out more about them.

His Goddess (Jasper Hale) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now