Chapter 12

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When Rosalie and Emmett returned, the two were hit with the scent of blood and sex. The immortal daughter of Aphrodite frowned and made her way to Sloane's bedroom. She could sense the outpouring of love and smiled before knocking.

"Hey, you two is everything alright in there?" She heard rusting sheets and laughs before Sloane opened the door, her eyes bright and cheeks flushed. "Everything is perfect, Rosa."

Rosalie's eyes widened as she took in the sight of Sloane's neck and her cleavage covered in love bites. That was when she noticed Jasper lounging on the girl's bed. Somehow, he had gotten a light tan and gained more muscle.

Something in both their auras had changed. "You marked each other." The blonde stayed dryly while wiggling her eyebrows. The couple could not help but laugh before Jasper grabbed his pants and walked over now half-dressed.

"Yes, and I'm very glad we did," the blonde demigoddess laughed before pulling Sloane into a quick hug. That's when she saw it "Jasper is that snake tattoo moving?"

Sloane blushed. "It's my mark, my magic claimed him as I am affiliated with snakes. My mark turned into a large snake that can move".

There was some silence before they all heard a booming laugh. Emmett had refused to come up to the room but had stayed in the living room listening.

Sloane rolled her eyes and quickly pulled on Jasper's shirt and a pair of panties. The top reached down to her knees and slipped off her shoulder, exposing the mark that proved that she was Jasper's, true mate.

As she entered the living room with Jasper and Rosalie behind her, Emmett's laughter came to a pause. "Jasper is starting to look like a mix of your male family."

Sloane rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because he is soul bonded to me, making him a demigod, my ichor caused the more physical changes it will be permanent however he will stop glowing in the sun but seeing as the same thing happened to you, I'm surprised you asked". Rosalie found herself nodding since she had become aware of her heritage the changes began and eventually it affected Emmett as well.

The need to drink blood has lessened as they only needed it once a month now, something Sloane was rather pleased with as dragon blood was hard to get. Rosalie checked her phone and gave a long sigh "Time to go, I just got our flight check-in warning" The group sighed and immediately started getting ready to go.

While they had come on Sloane's private jet the demigoddess had loaned it to a friend before booking their return flight on a commercial airline and under Rosalie's instance, she placed them in first class. The demigoddess refused to hear any babies crying or humans acting foolishly. As she grabbed her suitcase and made her way into the car he had hired.

As the driver greeted them, she handed him a thick envelope "This trip never happened sir" The man nodded and quickly helped them into the vehicle. Sloane leaned against Jasper and sighed she had enjoyed the peace while it lasted.

Seven painful hours later the woman was staring at the Cullen's current residence with a smirk on her face. She followed Rosalie into the house and slipped off her leather jacket her halter neck allowed for her bare shoulders to be on display. Alice who had yet to see Jasper or Emmett suddenly noticed the mark on the other woman's shoulder and paled.

Anger coursed through her veins as she realised, she had lost her chance to make Jasper hers. Before she could say a word Edward pulled her back and shook his head she watched as Jasper entered and kissed Sloane. The woman made eye contact with Alice and smirked almost as if she was rubbing it in the woman's face.

After a few minutes, the woman turned and glared at Carlisle "What is so important that you could not wait two weeks to tell us?" The man seemed stunned and tried to avoid looking at the furious woman. He had interrupted the official mating of a bonded couple hopefully this would not be a problem.

"Well, we are moving, we are completing the paperwork and wanted to ensure it was to your liking." Sloane stared at the man with a neutral expression on her face before raising one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "I see, give me the papers." Carlisle quickly handed them over and the girl began to read before she started to laugh and put them down "Your cover story is horrible" She stared at Carlisle for a bit before shaking her head and writing down several changes.

When she was done, she handed the paper to him, and he nodded before giving her the needed paperwork. The woman nodded and made her way out the door the three vampires followed her without hesitation. Carlisle turned to his wife "They will be following us to Forks, but our cover story has been changed" Alice turned to her father "To what?"

Carlisle sighed "Jasper and Rosalie are twins from Alaska the Denali's will be listed as their legal guardians, while Emmett and Sloane will be engaged to them" Edward and Esme frowned before asking about the relation to their coven. Carlisle gave his wife a calming smile "Emmett will be a distant relative of yours" the woman nodded before looking around.

"Okay let's get packed, forks is awaiting our return" Alice smirked at the comment before sending a mental message to Edward 'Of course they are small towns love drama and gossip'. What they didn't know was the other condition Sloane had entailed on the paper they would live in separate houses and the Cullens once again were not allowed to live in or know the location of her home.

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