Chapter 11

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Mature warning sexual content is in this chapter.

Jasper liked doubles; he liked Soca and extempo. He loved the attitude of the Trinidadian people; however, he wanted to know what the hell was wrong with these people and their folklore. After Sloane had finished going through the stories, he was terrified to hunt. They lived in a country full of supernatural nightmares, and these people just lived, loved, and died as if everything was normal.

Unfortunately, the vampire had run into a few supernatural beings in the country. They all gave him a polite nod and let him go when they sensed he was not mortal. The interactions had scared the hell out of him. Yet the people of Trinidad and Tobago cared more about why it was so hot than the demon woman on the street!

Rosalie had found it quite entertaining and struck up a conversation with the soul-less woman in the long skirt at 1 in the morning, the fact his sister and the La Diablesse bonded over murdering men. The bonding did not amuse Emmett; however, Sloane found it hilarious and left the creature of evil as both men put it, a basket filled with baked goods. The basket was gone in the morning. The woman had left a gift for Rosalie in her place.

Jasper was horrified and stared at his sister in absolute horror. He did, however, find Maracas Bay to be a nice beach. However, Sloane had been enjoying her return to the country and was frequently found eating mango chow as she danced with Rosalie near the pool.

Tonight, however, was special. Rosalie and Emmett had gone out for a special event, and Sloane had stayed in. She wore black shorts, and a red low-cut V-neck curled up with her eyes glued to the book's pages. Jasper walked over, gently picked her up, and placed her on his lap. The woman melted into his touch and put down her book "Jasper." The vampire looked down at her, and his eyes widened as she placed her lips against his.

"I want you to mark me,"

The look on Jasper's face made the immortal woman start laughing. She found it quite funny while Jasper was quite surprised. The man loved her, but he was quite surprised that Sloane was ready to make their relationship permanent. "Are you sure, love?".

He watched as Sloane changed her position and straddled him "Yes Jas I'm completely sure". He leaned forward and placed a soft tentative kiss on her lips before the couple began to get more and more passionate before his hands came up and threaded through her hair keeping her in place as he deepened the kiss. He moaned into her mouth as his tongue stroked along hers.

His hands dropped to her waist, and he spun her, so she was pressed against the couch before he broke the kiss. "Are you sure—I don't— we don't—"

"I want you, please." She paused, looking at him. The amusement was gone from his face now, though, and the angles seemed harder, darker as he stared down at her. Sloane finished a little bit softer. "If you want me too, that is."

A sound escaped from him, almost a hissing noise, and his hands dropped to grab her waist, one hand blindly clearing off the couch behind her before he lifted her, so she was seated on it, trapped between the couch and his hard body.

"I want you so much, I think I feel a little crazy." He whispered against her. Jasper's hands slid up her thighs, hooking around her shorts and pulling them down her legs. The fabric of his slacks caressed the insides of her thighs as he moved between her legs. His eyes were hot on hers as his hands reached between her legs to her panties, moving them to the side and sliding along her pussy, not entering, just stroking her.

Sloane couldn't hold back a little whimper as his fingers stroked her. "Jasper."

He seemed to jerk back when she said it, looking at her, his hands moving so they were tight on her thighs. He leaned closer against her, his hand coming up to cup her chin, his thumb on her lower lip, opening her mouth for him. "Now darling that's not my name." His eyes were dark with lust as he paused. "Say it."

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