Chapter 8

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Walking into the Cullen house was like walking into a cold, uninviting prison; for people attempting to pass off as humans, they were failing horribly. Sloane sat down and crossed her legs, glaring at the head of the coven. "Rosalie owes you a debt for saving her. As a result, these three will stay in your coven; however, you have no power over them or my mate," Carlisle gulped. He had searched high and low to find someone who knew her, and only Amun identified her as the Volturi head's sister and a powerful and immortal demi-primordial. He did not want to test her and had instructed his coven to leave her alone.

Now that she had declared that Jasper was her mate and Rosalie her distant cousin, she had more right over their interaction with the coven. " You are a fool, Carlisle Cullen, and one day, I will show you how much you have failed your own coven."

Sloane then rose to her feet and walked out with the three members of his coven; he made no move to stop them as it was quite clear that Sloane would kill him if it meant they would be happy. Rosalie's debt to him was the only thing keeping him alive, not for turning her but for turning her mate. Finding out that Rosalie would have lived as she was the direct daughter of Aphrodite, born out of a soul bond, meant she would have been saved and awoken as a full minor goddess.

The man slowly turned to look at his wife, who was shaking in horror, thinking that the woman who had helped her was someone who would happily and easily wipe them off the face of the earth was not helping her. Luckily Edward and Alice left to hunt before the meeting, so the two would have no idea about the deal he made with Sloane until they saw the others.

Unfortunately, he was wrong as loud shouts came from their front yard. Walking out, they saw Alice and Edward standing before Sloane. Fear engulfed Carlisle. His thoughts ran wild; Edward's head snapped up; his eyes wide as he stared at Sloane. Carefully he pulled Alice back and moved out of the woman's way. Jasper stood watching the scene with a smirk on his face. Rosalie's lip trembled as she tried her best not to laugh.

Emmett, however, had burst out in loud, boisterous laughter, his arm wrapped around Rosalie's waist, pulling her back into his shaking body. Venom rolled down his cheeks as he laughed himself to the point of possibly breaking his ribs. Sloane tilted her head and then smirked at them. "Goodbye for now, Carlisle" The group jumped into the car, and the others watched as it pulled off and drove onto the main road.

Edward was afraid at the thought of the Volturi coming down on them. He just decided to stay quiet and observe. Maybe Sloane would enjoy the next few years of peace and grow to like them, but he would need to get used to her presence and maybe get Alice to leave her alone.

~Two years later~

Whispers spread around a university campus like fire. Sloane had entered the campus on the back of Jasper Hale's Honda GL1800 Gold Wing. Many watched the sight in shock as they all knew that Sloane preferred to drive and that she and Jasper were just friends, so why was his hand placed on her hip so possessively?

It seemed that the smart hot people stayed together. Some girls glared at Sloane. They had their eye on the brother of Rosalie Hale since he started studying with them, but it seemed that he was completely taken with Sloane. One of the girls let out a loud scoff before turning to her friend. "Even on a motorcycle, she still dresses like that" Unfortunately, Sloane heard her and turned around.

"And is something wrong with the way I dress, Ms Beaucraft? Unlike you, I prefer to dress up to my station and self-worth. I enjoy looking classy and elegant." Sloane gave the girl a cold smile before leaning forward. "Tell me, how many men on campus respect you for dressing like a common whore without standards? However, I have heard the stories passed around about you. So many take a turn like a doorknob" Her words were spoken with a bored drawl; what made it worse was the whole time, she did not even allow the girl to speak as her face grew heated with mortification.

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