Chapter 7

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To say Rosalie was furious was an understatement if she could breathe fire the blonde would. Finding out how clueless they were about the supernatural world was alarming but realizing that their diet had influenced their gifts was her breaking point. Sloane had placed a blood bag in front of the woman who took her time to drink every bit of blood in the bag. As she finished her eyes took on an orange colour before she tilted her head "I feel better more balanced"

Sloane smirked and offered a bag to Emmett who drank quickly the feeling was euphoric for the man as he drank every drop and leaned against the counter. He felt better in a way he felt sated. He hadn't felt that feeling in years to everyone's surprise he seemed to look more attractive in a rugged way the bags under his eyes disappeared and he grinned. "I finally feel full and not hungry."

Those words bothered Sloane she knew that the Cullens were rumoured to have immense self-control even as vegetarians, but this was abuse. Did Carlisle want his coven members to go on a rampage? Looking at her mate Sloane grabbed a glass and cut her wrist allowing her blood to flow into the glass before handing it to him.

"Drink" Jasper without hesitation grabbed the glass and downed it as the other two vampires gaped at the man. Sloane's eyes darkened a bit as he drank her blood without questioning her, he was such a suitable mate. She calmly sat back and drank her coffee, "As for yesterday your drink was mixed with a drop of my blood, though no one would be able to know that unless they themselves drank my blood and I don't blood share".

Jasper nodded and sat down his head in his hands "So what about Carlisle we joined his coven they won't ever leave us alone" Sloane sighed and grabbed another three blood bags "Oh he will leave you alone if you threaten him with the Volturi." she handed them a bag each and watched as they drained it.

While human blood was good for cold ones, dragon blood was something that filled them for days and gave them a more human appearance yes, they would retain their almost godly beauty but the human colour of their eyes and their ability to eat would return to them. Sloane watched on with interest as Jasper's eyes faded into a golden-brown colour that suited him a lot better than the bright golden eyes, she often saw in Lycans.

"Oh, I missed them" Rosalie exclaimed as her hands gently cupped her mate's face Emmett had beautiful blue eyes that shined with the mischief, they suited him Sloane had to admit. Emmett was handsome with bright blue eyes and curly black hair; his dimples and innocent appearance all made him quite handsome when his height and figure were added she could see why women on campus loved him.

Rosalie however is what caused Sloane to pause they were violet, interchanging between the blue and purple shades of the main colour of her eyes. As a human, the girl could pass it off as a genetic mutation, but Sloane knew those eyes. She grabbed her phone and quickly dialled a number she was more than familiar with. Her eyes were still glued on the blonde "Hey V can you come over really quick I think I have one of yours".

Before Sloane could finish a tall woman with blonde hair and brown eyes appeared but before she could speak Sloane did "I need you in your original form" The woman nodded and there was a glow before a woman who could pass as Rosalie's twin stood in the room. Her blonde hair was long and in waves, it was a very light colour almost reflective. Her eyes however were a kaleidoscope of purples and blues.

"Rosalie this is my friend V or as she is known in the Greek Mythos the goddess Aphrodite" Rosalie watched the woman with wide eyes while Aphrodite observed the girl and sighed "She is one of mine her father was my soulmate, but he was married so we made a deal I would accept the breaking of the bond if we at least had one child."

Sloane now could not even move as Rosalie moved directly in front of her and hugged the woman "I heard your voice in my worst moment the only comfort I had that night" The woman wrapped her arms around her child "You suffered yet you have persevered and found a love that many will be jealous of be happy my child".

Sloane knew that Aphrodite had blessed Rose and Emmett's relationship, but she was absolutely horrified that history had found a way to repeat itself. "You know Aphrodite is not just the goddess of love, beauty, sexual pleasure, and fertility, she is also a goddess of war, sea and seafaring but the world loves to forget that."

Sloane walked over to the two women "What they forget is that love is a weapon sharper than any blade, empires have risen and fallen all because of love and lust." The previous Queen titled her head "She and her counterpart are dangerous so much so that Zeus attempted to marry her off while the myths say that she married him she didn't instead she took Ares as a husband".

Rosalie was in awe as the two women told her the truth of the stories and her mother kept her hand wrapped in hers. Sloane felt anger upon realising Aphrodite had been denied her soul-bonded love however she calmed when she realised that her friend was quite happy with Ares. The goddess rose to her feet and hugged her daughter before promising to visit and fading away.

Jasper and Emmett watched on in shock but kept silent for Rosalie's sake, Sloane, however, pinched the bridge of her nose "You're a demigod/vampire hybrid how wonderful let's see as a daughter born out of a soul-bond you would have inherited a very strong version of your mothers gifts so siren song, allure, charm speak and a few others however your need for vengeance and your love for your loved ones make you dangerous. We will work on it".

She then turned to Jasper and smiled "Your gift will be easier to control, and you may get a few more gifts Agapi Mou" The Greek endearment rolled off her tongue easily as she placed a hand on her mate's face. He would deny having to fix his pants later when Emmett asked.

However, right now the two couples wanted to enjoy the peace they had before they dealt with the coven of annoying vampires, which they called family later.

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