Chapter 6

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Rosalie stared at Sloan with multiple questions on her mind she was about to ask when Emmett let out a loud scream. The blond whirled around to see her husband standing on the chair staring at a huge snake that casually slithered up to Sloan who happily picked it up while cooing as if it was a baby. To the vampire's surprise, she simply wrapped the snake around her neck as if it were a scarf before beckoning them to follow her.

"Rosalie the room on the right is for you and Emmett," the demi-primordial said while gesturing to the said room her eyes had taken on a pitch-black colour as she had yet to fully calm down. Knowing that Rosalie had questions she decided to avoid them for now. Turning to her mate she pointed to the door closet to her room "That is your room, we shall speak in the morning goodnight". The vampires watched as the woman walked into her room and closed the door behind her.

Without question, they went to their assigned rooms and got comfortable knowing that they were not able to sleep they chose to get their assignments done and none of them chose to contact their coven as they were still angry about how they were treated. If only they knew what was going on at the house they would have laughed.

~Cullen house~

"She just came and took our coven members, and you don't want to go after her?" Alice was confused she could not see the girl at all, and her visit was quite frankly horrifying the woman was a bit afraid, but she was appalled that Carlisle did not intend to go after them. She watched as her esteemed leader shook his head.

"They left with her willingly and we have no idea who we are dealing with" Esme gently placed a hand on her husband's shoulder they looked picture-perfect together the perfect couple. Alice had heard the comment about true mates, but she was sure it was a lie before she could say another word Edward leaned forward and placed his hand on hers "Alice she might be blocking your gift we don't want you to continue trying to see her or the others, for now, it may cause you pain".

The pixie-like vampire looked at her older brother and nodded in agreement. Nyx listened to the conversation with a smirk, so they were afraid of her grandbaby good. They messed with her mate and Nyx was not going to let her future grandson-in-law be bullied by a group of idiots.

She stopped listening and instead placed more protections over Sloan and her house. Sloan felt the protection of Nyx as it covered her home and smiled, she would deal with explaining herself in the morning. Jasper however was up and sitting in bed he was still surprised about what she did for him, and instead of questioning it, he chose to simply grab a book and read until morning.

~The next morning~

Sloane dragged herself out of bed and entered her bath quickly stepping into the shower and turning on the cold water. She was exhausted; the temperature of the water should wake her up and it did. Her eyes popped open, and she took a deep breath to stop herself from shrieking and placed her hand against the glass panel. Quickly grabbing her washcloth Sloane decided to wash herself and then deal with her guest.

As she stepped out of the shower Basilius slithered up to her with her phone held in his mouth it was a strange sight "Thank you Bas" she said as she answered the phone "Hello brother how is Volterra?" unknown to her the three vampires in her home had heard her voice and unintentionally started listening.

"It's the same as always without any peace that is, however, we got an interesting call from Carlisle describing you taking three of his coven members." Rosalie sat up quite panicked when she realised that the man Sloane called her brother was Aro Volturi. Her fear did not dissipate until she heard a low chuckle "Is that so did he tell you that it was my mate and his siblings or that he was attempting to attack my mate and the only two siblings he had stood by his side".

As Sloane spoke Aro felt his venom get cold as if he sensed danger and that was when he realised the danger was his sister.

"Sister please calm down I will leave you to handle Carlisle and his coven" The feeling faded, and the King relaxed a bit before glancing at Caius who had a scowl on his face at the thought of Carlisle once again hurting or angering one of his siblings. The coven always left Carlisle to Aro due to their past but now the blonde fool had attracted their sister's ire. Maybe now he would learn to treat the members of his family right.

Sloane let out a pleased hum before gently reminding them she would be visiting in two months, and she expected Demetri to explain why he was sighted near her Maracas beach house property and why he bought Bake and Shark when she damn well knew he hated the animal.

None of the brothers mentioned how the Greek vampire seemed to pale before looking at Heidi with a begging expression and instead gave their goodbyes.

As Sloane put down her phone, she picked up Basilus and draped him over her shoulders before casually going through her cupboard and glancing at the date it was Friday so she would wear her black underwear set and her red sundress. Taking her time to lather her skin with cocoa butter and some lip balm she got dressed and made her way downstairs. As expected, the three vampires were in the living room watching one of her documentaries.

As she entered the room Jasper turned to greet her and paused, she looked stunning as some rays of the sunlight fell on her skin and made her skin glow, the red dress clung to her like a second skin there was a slit on the right side of her dress starting at mid-thigh and the off the shoulder sleeves and lower neckline caused many thoughts to pop up in his mind.

"Good morning, Sloane" he mumbled while staring at her the woman just smirked "You can call me by my true name we are around supernatural after all" Rosalie and Emmett were now intrigued by this statement her real name.

Jasper swallowed the venom pooling in his mouth before walking over and kissing her cheek "Good morning, Cleopatra" Something about how he called her name caused her to blush as a strange feeling built up in her stomach. Rosalie was the first to put the pieces together "As in the Queen of the Nile Cleopatra the temptress of Alexandria".

The woman turned to the gaping vampire and smirked "Now you see men were attracted to my intelligence I tempted no one Caeser and Mark- Anthony were just friends with me for the first few years" As she made that statement Emmett tilted his head "But she died "at this, the woman laughed "Immortals don't die Hun plus the gods of the Greeks and Egyptians refused that to be my fate.

Now, why don't we educate you three on the supernatural world that Carlisle has hidden from you? The glint in her eyes was filled with mischief and something that Rosalie greatly understood revenge without a thought Rosalie walked over and sat down at the breakfast bar.

"Please do I want to know everything."

His Goddess (Jasper Hale) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now