Chapter 2

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Sloan groaned as her alarm went off a reminder that she had to go grocery shopping and that she had to go on campus to ensure everything was in order. Reluctantly she opened her eyes and dragged herself out of bed. It was only 5 but she knew that the earlier she left the quicker she would be home.

As she got ready her eyes started to look more and more alert by the time, she sat down to eat Sloan was fully awake and glaring at the TV as the news played in the background the sun was slowly rising and she still had not gotten her morning coffee. There was no use stalling the woman grabbed her bag and her coat as the weather was supposed to be rather chilly but she chose to move here for the Fall semester so she could not complain about that,

The grocery would not be open so instead, she chose to take the early drive to DC the road was clear giving time to observe the area properly, It was a pleasant experience for the immortal being sooner than expected she had arrived and luckily for her, there was a 24-hour Dunkin Donuts not far the woman immediately parked and walked inside.

The gentleman behind the corner looked up from his phone and his eyes widened she was gorgeous he knew that she was new to their area as her eyes took in every detail of the shop plus, he would remember a woman like her. Every step she made was elegant and with purpose, her presence was stately and dignified she was either from an old money family or foreign royalty everything about how she held herself reminded him of those queens from the Chinese, Korean and Turkish dramas.

Sloan elegantly raised one of her well-shaped eyebrows as the young man stared at her before she delicately cleared her throat "Oh sorry" the boy said as he flushed an interesting shade of red Sloan let out a soft chuckle before waving off his apologies "I'll have three croissants with cream cheese and one large coffee with oat milk and 2 sugars, please" with a quick nod the boy started getting her order ready.

Sloan pulled out her card and waited for him to give her the total "That would be $15.25" he watched as she smiled and quickly inserted her card and waited the transaction was fast and as she placed her card back into her purse the young man packed her things and quickly handed them over. He watched in awe as she thanked him and turned to leave before pausing and glancing at the watch on her wrist "I'll be here every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 for the same thing".

As she left Sloan did not notice the young man quickly checking the days he worked before cheering he would get to see the beauty again. Unknown to him the woman he was so in awe of only made the decision because he reminded her of her son. She wondered if he saw the tip, she left well whatever she had a campus to visit.

The young man did indeed notice the three hundred dollars left on the counter with a note 'Enjoy your tip' suddenly he was glad he had gotten this job.

Georgetown University was beautiful she loved the beauty of the campus walking into the administrative building she made her way to the desk "Good Morning Ma'am I'm here about my enrolment and the details of my program" The woman turned to watch the young lady in front of her another one of the students who did not read the letter properly most likely as it was directed to those doing their Doctorate "Name" she said while holding back from rolling her eyes at the girl's stupidity she was clearly too young to be doing her Doctorate "Sloan David"

As the woman typed in the name and searched, she was stunned to see that the girl was doing her PhD after looking through the files she realised this was one of the History prodigies the dean had informed her about. "Okay, Miss. David these are your things" she said as she handed the woman an envelope.

From what they knew Sloan David was an international student from the Middle East and apparently, she was a genius. Nobody had told her that the girl could pass for a model as the girl walked away, she grabbed her coffee and took a huge gulp of it in doing so she noticed a wrapped croissant on her desk with a small note 'You looked stressed hope this helps' a small smile appeared on her face it seemed that she was as kind as she was beautiful.

Sloan smirked as she exited the campus the woman had lived long enough to know how to manipulate people and her image it was what helped her stay in a place longer as a descendant of whatever persona she had in a place and the best part for her was that it made people more protective of the things she left in those communities.

Now all she needed was to get her groceries she chose to buy her things in DC and entered a grocery pretty close to the hospital, she started picking up her items having memorized her list before she left home as she only had two more aisles to go through she happily walked into the aisle that was supposed to hold the wines she carefully picked up her Rose and a few others before walking out and getting her pasta when she touched a woman reaching for a pack on the shelf above "Oh I'm sorry" she said her accent was American but her phrasing was old. The immortal raised an eyebrow but kept silent and grabbed the package the mystery woman was reaching for before handing it to her.

"Thank you very much" Sloan smiled and nodded at her before taking the things she needed before she left, she looked back at the woman something about her was off, but she had no idea what it was. Something about her made Sloan feel bothered.

Turning away the former queen checked out the drive back home was filled with silent notification but some unease as she noticed that the car behind her housed the mystery lady Sloan watched in the mirror as the woman's car turned up in the street almost hidden by the trees she relaxed after and continued the 15 minutes' drive through town and up to her own house.

Esme Cullen exited her car with the groceries and packed them even though they did not eat they had to keep up the act so every month the woman went to the grocery and bought a month and a half supply of food, and she kept this act up every place they went.

However, today was different as she walked into the kitchen, she thought about the young lady who had silently helped her. Edward picked up on her thoughts and asked, "Who was the woman who helped you?" Esme smiled at her son before putting down the bags "I have no idea she did not speak one word to me she just helped smiled and walked off, but she was gorgeous inhumanely so".

At this most of the occupants paid attention to her words "But she had a heartbeat it seems she is another person like Rosalie" Edward thought about it there were few humans who had the same level of attractiveness as vampires, but it was possible, so he gave her a curt nod before going back to his music manuscripts.

What they failed to see was how Jasper's head had snapped up at the scent and the word mate popped into his head, unlike the others he blocked Edward out masterfully, so the mind-reader did not know about what Jasper had found out.

What they failed to see was how Jasper's head had snapped up at the scent and the word mate popped into his head, unlike the others he blocked Edward out masterfully, so the mind-reader did not know about what Jasper had found out

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~Sloan's outfit for this chapter~

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