Chapter 20

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Isabella Swan sat in her room staring at her computer, Edward's reaction had bothered her. Did she smell bad or something? She also noted how the Hale's and their partners glared at her as well. Edward had been gone for three days so far and she had heard the whispers about why Edward and Alice did not feel comfortable around other students. Suddenly they were pitied, Alice after two days also vanished from school. Someone had asked her about the girl and Alice froze before almost having a panic attack.

Unknown to Isabella, Sloane had intruded into Alice's mind and showed her the brutal destruction of her coven. Isabella however was a bit frustrated. She walked into the kitchen for some water when there was a knock on the door. Opening the door, she paled and stepped back Sloane stood at the door with a large insulator bag and a gallon of red liquid. The girl just walked in and placed the bottle in the freezer before placing the large bag on the table.

Charlie walked into the kitchen and smiled "Sloane nice to see you" Bella was confused why was Sloane here? The immortal smiled and hugged the man "I came to drop off your lunch we made a deal two days a week Chief" Bella watched as her father chuckled and hugged the girl. It was not the awkward interaction like when she had first arrived. It was as if Sloane was his daughter, not her.

The girl pointed to the fridge "I made sorrel last night so I brought you a gallon, As for today I made you lamb stew with pita and for dessert Walnut and Pistachio Baklava" As the girl spoke, she unpacked the bag and placed several large Pyrex dishes on the table. Bella stared in shock she could cook but apparently not much compared to Sloane.

The girl then took out what looked like a lunch container and handed it to her dad "Lamb Tagine for your afternoon shift". Bella pursed her lips and looked away great Sloane had managed to worm her way into her father's good graces. The girl then smiled and watched as her father grabbed a bowl and some spoons before he sat at the table with a large smile.

"I'll walk you to your car" Bella heard herself saying before gesturing to the door Sloane nodded and followed her outside. The Greek woman turned and looked at Bella with dark eyes "Leave Edward alone, you insist on staring at us and made him so uncomfortable he ran to spend time with my sister-in-law and her family in Alaska." Bella winced before rolling her eyes "Maybe then he should not have treated me like he did, and they are my eyes I can look wherever I want".

Sloane's calm expression turned cold, and the girl tilted her head "I respect and like Charlie, so I avoid doing things that hurt him he treats us like family. However, I will not think of him if it means defending my family, I will destroy you. You are a stalker. Did you think I did not know what you did back in Phoenix"?

Bella stepped back suddenly remembering who Sloane was, but the girl continued to speak "Your perfume is strawberry vanilla right? He's allergic not that it's your business". Tears filled Bella's eyes when it dawned on her how much Sloane and the others hated her. The woman then turned and got into her car "By the way your dad already knows this but come around us again and we will go through with a restraining order".

As the car drove away Bella felt the tears running down her face suddenly Sloane was no longer so attractive to her. She was absolutely horrifying.

Sloane happily drove away when her phone began going off the immortal answered with ease "Sloane David Volturi how may I help you?" there was no response just silence and then he demanded, "What did you do to Bella?" Sloane scowled "Kept her away just as you were planning to right Carlisle". The man hung up and the woman glared at the phone before pulling into her driveway.

Rosalie stood waiting for her with her phone in hand looking furious "Alice called Jasper and proceeded to scream at him about how we had messed up Edwards's future with his mate" Sloane froze and then started laughing loudly "Oh she's his mate now then tell them to turn her".

The two women entered the house walking over to their mates Rosalie bit her lip and gazed at Sloane "What is our plan if she finds out?" The immortal tilted her head and then spoke "Nothing, she will be Carlisle's problem then he and the others cannot reveal what we are to anyone and if asked they will be forced to say that we are human" Rosalie nodded and leaned into Emmett who seemed a bit frustrated, but he too relaxed after hearing Sloane's response.

Jasper however was still tense; Sloane sighed and took her mate's hand "How about you two go ice skating we have some things to deal with" Rosalie nodded and dragged Emmett outside leaving Sloane to drag Jasper into their bedroom. "What's wrong?" he gazed at her before burying his face in her neck. "Alice has been harassing me through text" Sloane stiffened a bit upon hearing the information before running her hand through his hair "Oh cowboy why didn't you tell me" The man kissed her neck before whispering "You were so happy why would I spoil that for you".

Sloane felt her cheeks heat up "Your happiness is also important to me, if something is stressing you, I want to know" Jasper stepped back and kissed her "I adore you" Sloan smiled "And I you"

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